Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF APRIL 30th, 2023

Dear Friends: 

Last week Earth Day reminded us to be good stewards of the planet. 

I would like to share some new words for the song “This Land” as recorded on the Family Fun video: “This land’s not your land, nor my land, we are guests here of the First Nations. Let’s work together to make things better. This land needs care from you and me.” 

The Parent tot video has the reading of a story called, “My Animal Friends” as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, Mary Had a Little Lamb, From My Head Down to my Toes, How Does the Rooster Talk, and I Can Feel You Near Me God. 

The Family Fun video includes a feature on the crow and the salmon as well as the following songs: Me and Bobby McGee, Like a Rock, This Land, Kum By Ya, and Deep in our Hearts.

May singing along bring you joy. 


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF APRIL 23rd, 2023

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF APRIL 2nd, 2023

Dear Friends: 

Spring has sprung! I have heard some lawn mowers going in my neighbourhood, and the sun has been shining. Birds are singing and flowers are blooming. It is a wonderfully beautiful time of year!  

The Parent Tot video this week has the reading of a story from a Barney Treasury as well as these songs:  The More We Sing Together; Pussy Willow; The Robin; All Through the Day; and God Made Me. 

The Family Fun video has a reading about the Robin and one about the Racoon plus the following songs:  This is the Day; We Give Thanks; Rockin’ Robin; Doe A Deer; I am the Light of the World. 

Enjoy some family time while singing along. 

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families 
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MARCH 26th, 2023

Dear Friends:

This week the videos are talking about feelings. It is so important for us as adults to encourage our children and youth to express their feelings. Often our young people pick up on things going on in the world around them and can carry worries and concerns without us even knowing it.

The Parent-Tot video has the reading of two books: one about feelings and one about being thankful for various types of weather. The songs this week are: The More We Sing Together; ‎It's A Happy Day; If You're Happy and You Know It; and Thank You God.

The Family Fun video has the reading of a book called "Happy"‎ by Pharrel Williams, the RAP artist. The songs are: Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow; This is the Day that God Has Made; Abilene; Feelin' Groovy; and Don't Worry Be Happy.

Perhaps these books and songs can provide a starting place for more discussions in your home about feelings.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MARCH 19th, 2023

Dear Friends:

The start of a new season always brings me some excitement to have a fresh beginning and some rejuvenation in my spirit.

I hope this time finds you and your family well as we enter beautiful spring!

This week the Parent Tot video has a book about bugs as well as these songs: Higgledie Piggledie Bumble Bee; From My Head Down to my Toes; Itsy Bitsy Spider; Alphabet Song; Twinkle Twinkle; and God Made Me.

The Family Fun video has a reading from Unlikely Friendships as well as the following: This Land; Kum By Ya; Corner Master Store; All I Really Need; and Draw the Circle Wide.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MARCH 12th, 2023

Dear Friends: 

This weekend we will set our clocks ahead which will give us even more daylight hours to enjoy. The sunshine has been beautiful this week and I hope you have been enjoying the uplifting feeling from this lighter time of year. Best wishes for special times with your children and youth this Spring Break. 

This week the Parent Tot video has the reading of a story from “The Barney Storybook Treasury” as well as these songs: The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Open Them Shut Them, The People on the Bus, and Jesus Loves Me.  

The Family Fun video includes a reading about the Great Horned Owl and the Octopus, as well as these songs:  To Be Alive, You Are My Sunshine, Over My Head, You’ve Got a Friend, and Tell the World that Jesus Loves You.  

I invite you to have fun singing along with me. 

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MARCH 5th, 2023

Dear Friends:

This week the videos are talking about feelings. It is so important for us as adults to encourage our children and youth to express their feelings. Often our young people pick up on things going on in the world around them and can carry worries and concerns without us even knowing it.

The Parent-Tot video has the reading of two books: one about feelings and one about being thankful for various types of weather. The songs this week are: The More We Sing Together; ‎It's A Happy Day; If You're Happy and You Know It; and Thank You God.

The Family Fun video has the reading of a book called "Happy"‎ by Pharrel Williams, the RAP artist. The songs are: Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow; This is the Day that God Has Made; Abilene; Feelin' Groovy; and Don't Worry Be Happy.

Perhaps these books and songs can provide a starting place for more discussions in your home about feelings.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

We have entered Lent and what a great way to start this special time: Pink Shirt Day fell on Ash Wednesday this year. A day of thinking about being kind to others is a wonderful way to begin the season of drawing closer to God which is one purpose of Lent. ‎Our children and youth can certainly lead us when it comes to showing acts of kindness.

The Parent Tot video has a reading about Otters and a book called, "Friends", as well as these songs: This is the Day, May There Always be Sunshine, Snowflakes, I'm a Happy Kid, and A Happy Healthy Me (5-2-1-0)‎.

The Family Fun video has a reading about the House Finch as well as the book called, "When We Are Kind" and these songs: This is the Day, Give Me Oil in my Lamp, A-Z in the Kitchen, Magic Penny, and Put Your Hand in the Hand.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

We are approaching a long weekend when we will celebrate Family Day.  I am wishing you some meaningful time together for this special day. Families are so important to all of us at any age.  Feelings of safety, security, belonging, identity, support, and love are some of the many benefits our young people can gain from their family. 

This week the Family Fun video includes a story about a friendship between a sled dog and a polar bear as well as these songs: This is the Day, Kum by Ya, Peace Like a River, and Magic Penny.

The Parent tot video has these songs: Welcome Everyone, God Made Me, If You're Happy and You Know It, The B-I-B-L-E, and The More We Sing Together as well as a story about happiness.

I hope these videos bring some smiles to the faces in your home, and Happy Family Day!

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

Valentines Day is a time when children delight in giving cards to friends and sharing special treats with each other. It is a wonderful opportunity to remind our young people of the importance of sharing God's love with the people around us.

The Parent Tot video has a Valentine story about a Llama, as well as these songs: I Love My Mom and Dad, It's About Love, Jesus in the Morning, and Jesus Loves Me.

The Family Fun video has the following songs: Like a Rock, You've Got a Friend, A Point of Light, God Loves You, My Love Colours Outside the Lines, and a Valentines Day story.

Enjoy witnessing how sweet our children and youth can be when they express those special feelings of love and friendship.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 29th, 2023

Dear Friends: 

With a few warmer days and more light returning to the length of each day, it is nice to see more people enjoying being outside.

Where do you find the Holy? It can be fun to invite our children and youth to be very observant of nature as the seasons move around the calendar with the changes in trees and plants, and the amazing activities of the animals, birds, and insects we see around us. Creation always helps me see God's presence, the Holy, in our world.

The Parent Tot video includes the reading of a book called "I Am Respectful" as well as these songs: Down By the Bay; I Can Feel You Near Me God; Squirrel; The BIBLE; From My Head Down to my Toes; and Jesus Bids Us Shine.

The Family Fun video has a reading about two birds and an opportunity to hear a recording of each one's song, as well as the following tunes: The Corner Master Store; Kum By Ya; Over My Head; Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head; and I Am the Light of the World.

I hope you enjoy singing along.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 22nd, 2023

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 15th, 2023

Dear Friends: 

As we begin a new calendar year it is exciting to think of all the possibilities that lie ahead.  The daylight is returning bit by bit and this also speaks of brighter days to come. I hope doing some singing together will further uplift the spirits of those living in your family. 

The Parent Tot video has the reading of a book created from the words of a song that is also included on the video:  "All Things Bright and Beautiful".   Other songs are: The More We Sing Together, If You're Happy and You Know It, Roly Poly, and Jesus Bids us Shine. 

The Family Fun video has these songs: Come in and Sit Down, You Are my Sunshine, Waddly Acha, Abundantly, and I am the Light of the World. Three types of birds are featured from a number of bird books including one that has recordings of bird songs. 

Have a great week. 

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

This fourth week of Advent's theme of love reminds us to pause from our busy schedules to remember that God so loved this world.  Sharing love with one another is the best Christmas gift we can offer our friends and family.

The Parent Tot video includes a story called, "I Love You Through and Through, at Christmas, too" as well as these songs: Light One Candle, It's About Love, I've Got the Joy, Frosty the Snowman, and Away in a Manger. 

The Family Fun video has these songs: Hope is a Star, I am Becoming Peace, Magic Penny, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and Hallelujah‎. It also has the reading of a Robert Munch book called, "Finding Christmas."

May you and yours continue to enjoy all the preparations of this season of love.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching out to Families
Powell River United Church  

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends: 

"Repeat the sounding joy" is a wonderful lyric in a Christmas carol, and "joy" is the theme for the third week of Advent. I am reminded that happiness is something we can choose over and over again each day. 

The Parent Tot video this week has the reading of a book called, "Who Built the Stable" as well as these songs: Light One Candle for Joy, It's About Joy, Jingle Bells, I've Got the Joy, and Silver Bells. 

The Family Fun video has a story called "Christmas Snow" and the following songs:  Hope is a Star, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, and Joy to the World - two versions. 

May you experience great joy during this time of preparing for Christmas. 

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends: 

When we have safety measures in place like good snow tires, I do find watching snow falling to be a lovely peaceful activity. This second week of Advent we are thinking about peace: the special peace Jesus' birth offers us, and the peace we can experience when we focus less on the material aspects of this season, and more on the "connecting with family and friends" aspect of this season. 

The parent tot video includes the reading of two poems as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, Light One Candle for Peace, It's About Peace, Here Comes Suzy Snowflake, and Still, Still, Still in the Ayajuthem language. 

The Family Fun video has the reading of a story that is written in poem form about a special visit to a Great Aunt. It is called "A Cup of Christmas Tea". The songs include: Hope is a Star with the verse on peace added in, The First Noel, Go Tell it on the Mountain, and I am the Light of the World. 

Peace be with you. 

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

The season of Advent is upon us and this week's videos describe the first theme which is "hope". Let us all hope for love, happiness and good health for our children, youth and families.

The Parent Tot video has the reading of a story called "I Love You All the Time" as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, Light One Candle for Hope, It's About Hope, Deck the Halls, and Silent Night.

The Family Fun video has these songs: Hope is a Star, Winter Wonderland, Buon Natalie, My Marvellous Little Toy, and Mary's Boy Child as well as the reading of a book called, "When Love was Inside".

May this season kindle a spark of hope for a kind and compassionate world.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

"Every year in bleak November, comes a day we all remember, soldiers, sailors, sons and brothers, who gave their lives for others." These words were written by a woman named Connie Broadhurst who taught at my elementary school. She wrote music, as well, and we used to sing this during our Remembrance Day assemblies when I was growing up.

To hear the full lyrics, they are read as a poem on the Family Fun video this week, along with a demonstration of how to make a white paper cross with one single cut line. The songs are: "We're Here for a Good Time"; "This is the Day"; "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"' and "Peace Like a River."

The Parent Tot video includes the reading of a book about taking turns, a Poppy Poem, as well as these songs: "The More We Sing Together", "I'm a Happy Kid"; "I Am Becoming Peace"' "May There Always Be Sunshine."

Let us remember those who have served in wars this week.

Blessings to you and your family.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

Halloween is upon us and it can be a time when we enjoy some spooky pranks and the fun of scaring each other. It is important to remember that some children and youth might be experiencing worries or anxiety, and be feeling truly afraid of activities that others might not be bothered about. It is so helpful when we as parents check in with our young people and make sure they are always feeling safe, secure, and loved.
The Parent Tot video has a Llama, Llama story about Halloween, and a story about worries as well as these songs: I Love My Mom, I Love My Dad; Five Little Pumpkins; Itsy Bitsy Spider; The Pumpkins on the Bus; The People on the Bus.The Family Fun video has a lengthy story that is all in rhyme called, "Gunhilde and the Halloween Spell" and just two songs this week: Hey Brother I'm a Happy Kid, and I'm Gonna Shout.

Warm Regards,

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF OCTOBER 23rd, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

What a beautiful time of year we are in, with no shortage of things to be thankful for when we look out our windows. The variety of colour we can see, the sunshine, and the fall flowers that are still smiling at us are some things I appreciate. Do you have special traditions for the Thanksgiving weekend in your home? Helping our children and youth adopt an "attitude of gratitude" can be so helpful for them on this journey we call life. Naming one thing we are thankful for each day can be a fun way to start.

The Parent Tot video includes a discussion about saying Grace, a poem about the Turkey, and the following songs: The More We Sing Together, Five Little Ducks, The B-I-B-L-E, and Thank You for the Food We Eat.

The Family Fun video has Kum By Ya, Lean on Me, Bye Bye Love, a sung Grace, and Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me, as well as the reading of a book called, "If You Give a Moose a Muffin".

Enjoy a wonderful family weekend this Thanksgiving.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

This week we are honoring the experiences of Residential School survivors and remembering children and youth who did not survive the Residential School experience by sharing Orange Shirt Day. On Friday September 30th there will be a walk from the original hospital grounds in the Townsite to Willingdon Beach Park. The walk begins at 3:30pm. I hope you will take part in this community event.

The Family Fun video this week includes a discussion about the use of cedar by the Coast Salish people, a song and some phrases shared in the ayajuthem language, as well as these songs: I'm Gonna Shout, This Land's Not Your Land, and I am Somebody.

The Parent Tot video has a discussion about balers made from cedar bark, an opportunity to learn two songs in the ayajuthem language which are Squirrel and Head and Shoulders, as well as these other songs: The More We Sing Together, From My Head Down to My Toes, and Jesus Loves Me.

Perhaps these videos will be a launching place for more discussion in your home about the importance of Orange Shirt Day. Let's keep the conversation going throughout the year, as well.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Dear Friends:

The fall is upon us and we have the pleasure of enjoying beautiful colours as the leaves turn and the sun casts a different glow at this time of year. The cooler evenings are a welcomed reprieve from the summer heat. I hope you are enjoying the start of this new season.

This week the Family Fun video includes a story about a friendship between a sled dog and a polar bear as well as these songs: This is the Day, Kum by Ya, Peace Like a River, and Magic Penny.

The Parent tot video has these songs: Welcome Everyone, God Made Me, If You're Happy and You Know It, The B-I-B-L-E, and The More We Sing Together as well as a story about happiness.

I hope these videos bring some smiles to the faces in your home.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



Dear Friends:

This week thousands of people across Canada will participate in runs, walks, and bike rides in honour of the memory of Terry Fox, and to further his cause of raising funds for cancer research.

Terry Fox reminds us that our young people and children can do amazing things. Let's remember to always listen to their dreams and ideas and support them when they want to do something to help others. This is a great way to share God's love in the world.

The Family Fun video has some information about Terry Fox along with these songs: To Be Alive, Most of All, Yellow Bird, Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow, and Magic Penny.

The Parent Tot video includes the reading of a book called, "Talk to the Wind" as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, From My Head Down to My Toes God Made Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, "5-2-1-0", and Jesus Loves Me.

Best wishes to you and yours for a great week.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



Dear Friends:

It's back to school time! How has the start up week gone for you? I am wishing you, your children, and your youth a smooth transition to this time of returning to routines and structure for our weeks and days.

September feels like New Year's, almost more so than January. I wonder what kinds of learning goals we as adults can consider for ourselves? I would like to try journal writing and reading more / watching TV less.

This Sunday is Grandparents' Day and the theme is presented in the videos this week.

The Parent Tot video has two short books: one called "I Love My Grandma" and one called "I Love My Grandpa". The following songs are included: "Higgledee Piggledee Bumblebee", "I Love My Family", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "I Can Feel You Near Me God" and "Jesus Loves Me".

The Family Fun video has some discussion about grandparents as well as these songs: "Like a Rock", "Over My Head", "The Unicorn", "Grandma's Feather Bed", and "You Are My Sunshine".


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 28th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 21st, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 14th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 7th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JuLY 31st, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JuLY 24th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JuLY 17th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JuLY 10th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JuLY 3rd, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 23rd, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 16th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 9th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 5th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 29th, 2022


Dear Friends:

This week the videos are talking about feelings. It is so important for us as adults to encourage our children and youth to express their feelings. Often our young people pick up on things going on in the world around them and can carry worries and concerns without us even knowing it.

The Parent-Tot video has the reading of two books: one about feelings and one about being thankful for various types of weather. The songs this week are: The More We Sing Together; ‎It's A Happy Day; If You're Happy and You Know It; and Thank You God.

The Family Fun video has the reading of a book called "Happy"‎ by Pharrel Williams, the RAP artist. The songs are: Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow; This is the Day that God Has Made; Abilene; Feelin' Groovy; and Don't Worry Be Happy.

Perhaps these books and songs can provide a starting place for more discussions in your home about feelings.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 22nd, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 15th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 8th, 2022


Dear Friends:

There is a teaching in First Nations culture that you might have heard: "Every child has many mothers". This week I am feeling very thankful for my wonderful biological mother. I am also thankful for other women in my life who have mothered me.

We are blessed to have many sources of nurturing and support: aunties, grandmothers, godmothers, women further on their life journey than ourselves we might know from work, school, our neighborhoods, or our church family.

The videos this week have a Mother's Day theme and hopefully help to remind our young people that they are deeply loved and they have a job this Sunday: to thank their mothers.

The parent tot video has a book called: Why Do You Love Me as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, May there always be Sunshine, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Love My Mom, The Children on the Bus.

The Family Fun video has the reading of a book called "Mama Says" as well as these songs: Kum By Ya, This is the Day that God Has Made, Rock and Roll Lullabye, Grandma's Feather Bed, and Draw the Circle Wide.

Best wishes for a beautiful day on Sunday: Happy Mother's Day.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 1st, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF APRIL 24th, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF February 27TH, 2022


Dear Friends,

Pink shirt day this week reminds us of the incredible damage bullying can do, and the importance of sharing kindness. These days bullying can be subtle and also everywhere as people can be bullied online as well as in person. Sometimes our children and youth have a difficult time sharing with us if anyone is upsetting them or being unkind to them. Checking in with them about this becomes more important as our children reach the teen years. Let's all continue to let our young people know how very special they are each and every day. 

This week the parent tot video has a story about greeting the day and the night, as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together; The B-I-B-L-E; Itsy Bitsy Spider; God is So Good; and From My Head Down to my Toes God Loves Me. 

The Family Fun video has a true story about a girl who writes letters as well as these songs: Kum By Ya; I Am Somebody; You Are My Sunshine; I Walk the Line; and I'll Do My Best. 

Have a great week.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF February 20TH, 2022


Dear Friends:

Today is Random Acts of Kindness day and what a wonderful idea to encourage people everywhere to demonstrate kindness to others. It might be interesting to ask our children and youth for their ideas on the many ways we can brighten the lives of the people around us. Our young people often have very creative thoughts about how to reach out either to their peers, or to adults in their lives who they perceive as being in need.

Enjoy some special heart warming conversations in your home about this topic and let us all continue to share kindness as often as we can, each and every day, going forward.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF February 13TH, 2022


Dear Friends,

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day which is typically a day for those in love. I also like to think of it as a day for friendship love and I share this blessing with you as written by John O'Donahue:

"May you be blessed with good friends and learn to be a good friend to yourself, journeying to that place in your soul where there is love, warmth, and feeling. May this change you."

The parent tot video has the reading of a poem and a story called Llama, Llama I Love You as well as these songs: I Love My Mom, I Love my Dad; It's About Love; Jesus in the Morning; Jesus Loves Me.

The family fun video has the reading of a story called, "Valentine" as well as these songs: Like a Rock, You've Got a Friend, A Point of Light, My Love Colours Outside the Lines.

Have a wonderful week.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF February 6TH, 2022


Dear Friends,

While the weather continues to have a chill in the air, I am thankful for the warmth that comes from close relationships with family members and friends. Often we can take for granted that we have people in our lives who love us and support us in life's journey. Our connections with others might be a simple "hello" while passing by in the grocery store, or a deep conversation while sharing a walk or a cup of tea. Both warm the heart and both are essential for good health. It is important for us as adults to keep in contact with people, and equally important for us to encourage our children and youth to do so, as well. 

The Parent Tot video this week has the reading of some poems instead of a story book, as well as these songs: 1,2,3, Jesus Loves Me; How Much is that Doggie in the Window; May There Always Be Sunshine; Listen to the Water; From My Head Down to my Toes.

The Family Fun video includes the reading of a book called, "Happy Dreamer" as well as these songs: Kum By Ya; I Can Feel You Near Me God, Grandma's Feather Bed, and Over My Head.

May you feel the warmth of God's love, in your life and your home, this day and always.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

How have you been feeling lately? These foggy gray days have the potential to contribute to some low mood feelings for us and for the children, youth, and young adults in our families. I like the mental health awareness commercials that have been on TV lately that say, "it's okay to not be okay." The ads go further to encourage each of us to talk about our feelings, and to listen to others when they share their thoughts and feelings. 

I feel encouraged when I see more daylight already and when I experience the beauty around us in nature and remember how much God loves us. The songs this week speak to this message. 

On the parent-tot video you will find: The More We Sing Together, The Wheels on the Bus, The People on the Bus, Oh Mister Sun, God Loves Me and a book called, Kindness Makes Us Stronger. 

The Family Fun video has a story called How the Sun Got to Coco's House, and these songs: Abundantly, Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow, I Am Somebody, The Unicorn, and I'll Do My Best.

Enjoy singing along!

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 23rd, 2022

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



Dear Friends:

We were blessed with a white Christmas and this week we have some sunshine to add that sparkle to the beautiful snow all around us. I hope you had a wonderful time with your family during this special time of the year.

This week the parent tot video contains the story book of Frosty the Snowman along with these songs: It's A Happy Day; This is the Way; Frosty the Snowman; and I Can Feel You Near Me God.

The Family Fun video has the story book of Charlie Brown's Christmas and the following songs: This is the Day that God Has Made; Draw the Circle Wide; Winter Wonderland; and Like a Rock.

Happy New Year and best wishes for good health and happiness in 2022.

Brenda Pielle,
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



‎Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

The fourth week of Advent is upon us and the wonderful theme is LOVE. We are so fortunate to be recipients of God's love and we remember the great gift showing us that love when we remember the birth of Jesus at this time of year.

I pray that you can feel the presence of God's love in your work, school, and home.

This week the Parent Tot video has the reading of two books: one about a Christmas celebration for a mouse, and one about the birth of Jesus. The songs this week are the two Advent songs we have been repeating during this season: It's About Hope, and Hope is a Star, as well as When Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney, Away in a Manger, andWe Wish You A Merry Christmas.

The Family Fun video has a reading of the book, Moostletoe and a poem about Jesus' birth, the Advent songs we have done each week: I've Got the Hope and Light One Candle for Hope, as well as Silver Bells, Jingle Bells, Alleluia, and Feliz Navidad.

May you experience hope, peace,joy and love on Christmas day 2021.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



‎Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

This week the videos are expressing the theme for the third week of Advent: "Joy". One source of joy at this time of year is watching our children and youth perform at Christmas concerts. You are invited to bring your young people to church this Sunday and join in with this year's pageant. There are no rehearsals - come and be an angel or a shepherd and take part in the retelling of the Christmas story. 

This week the Parent tot video contains a story book reading of Jesus' birth as well as these songs: It's About Joy; Hope is a Star; Frosty the Snowman; and Silent Night. 

The Family Fun video also has a reading of a story book about the first Christmas as well as the following songs: I've Got the Joy Down in My Heart; Light One Candle for Hope; Joy to the World; God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen; and I am the Light of the World. 

May you experience great joy in your home during this special time of year!

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families



Dear Families and Friends,

This is the second week of Advent and the focus is on peace. I love to be up early this time of year to sit alone in the dark living room with my first coffee and have the tree lights on. It is nice to gather some peace in preparation for these busy days. It can be useful to encourage our children and youth to give themselves some down time as well and take a few moments to remember that Jesus came to bring "peace on earth, and goodwill to all".

The parent tot video has a story about the angel speaking to the shepherds, as well as these songs: Jingle Bells, It's About Peace, Still, Still, Still; Peace is Flowing Like A River and Silent Night.

The Family Fun video has a poem about the angels and shepherds, as well as these songs: Light One Candle; Mary's Boy Child; I've Got Peace Like a River; Away in a Manger; I am the Light of the World.

Peace to you,
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out To Families
Powell River United Church.


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of DECEMBER 2nd, 2021


Dear Families and Friends,

The season of Advent is upon us and the theme for the first week is hope. I hope that you enjoy this time of preparing and waiting. The excitement our children feel as they anticipate Christmas Day is often contagious and can fill us with a warm feeling inside.

The parent tot video has the story of Frosty the Snowman, a craft demonstration for how to make an Advent paper strip calendar, as well as these songs: That's What it's All About, Light One Candle; Frosty the Snowman; Deck the Halls; and Silent Night.

The family fun video has a story called "Moostletoe", a craft demonstration for making paper snowflakes, as well as the following songs: Hope is a Star; Here Comes Suzy Snowflake; The Marvellous Little Toy; and Still, Still, Still.

Thank you
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of NOVEMBER 28th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of NOVEMBER 21st, 2021


Dear Friends:

This Sunday is called Reign of Christ Sunday and it is a good time to remember the ways we can bring more of Christ's vision into the world. Kindness, fairness, peace and love for all are things to strive for.

The Parent-tot video this week has a story about sharing and a story about being kind. The songs are: The More We Sing Together, I Hear Thunder, From My Head Down to my Toes God Made Me, The BIBLE, and Jesus When the Sun Goes Down.

The Family Fun video includes a reading about First Nations peoples' use of the Maple tree, and a story about being anything. The songs are: Kum By Ya, Doe a Deer, Like a Rock, I'm a Happy Kid, and Over My Head.

Kind Regards,

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of NOVEMBER 14TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of NOVEMBER 7TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of OCTOBER 31st, 2021


Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

Halloween is upon us and it is such a fun time for our children and youth. Each video this week has two Halloween stories and some Halloween songs. I hope you enjoy a safe and dry evening on October 31st with some sweet hot chocolate and black licorice - those are my favourites.

The Parent Tot video has the Higgle-dee-Piggle-dee opening song once again, as well as The Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Hear Thunder, Five Little Pumpkins, The Wheels on the Bus with Halloween words, and Jesus Loves Me. The books read are called My First Halloween, and Boo.

The Family Fun video starts with the song Grandma's Feather Bed,and also has the songs: Jack O' Lantern, and Don't Be Afraid. The books read are The Pumpkin Blanket and Squasherella.

Thanks for singing along

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of OCTOBER 24th, 2021

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

The other day I was waiting at a stop light with another person. We commented on the weather and shared our preferences regarding the various seasons such as enjoying the cooler weather, but not liking the rain, enjoying the sun in summer, but not the intense heat, etc. As we parted and went our separate ways, the other person said, "I'm just so glad we have such a variety!"

God certainly does give us variety in creation. Whether it is the seasons, themselves that are different, or the variety inside of each season, we can be entertained and find enjoyment when we notice the differences around us.

This week the parent tot video has these songs: Higgledee Piggledee; This is the Way; Peace Be With You; Sing a Song to God ‎; and I Can Feel You Near Me God. There is a discussion about fall leaves and the reading of a poem.

The Family Fun video has This Land; Corner Master Store; Blindman; and Draw the Circle Wide. There is a reading about ‎the use of the Cedar Tree by First Nations people.

I invite you to sing along with me.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of OCTOBER 17th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of OCTOBER 10th, 2021

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

What a beautiful time of year. Produce is ripe, leaves are changing giving us an array of colours to enjoy‎, and the rains are feeding the earth.

This week both videos include an acknowledgment of the traditional territory of the Tla'amin Nation as well as a discussion about things we are thankful for in lieu of a story.

The parent tot video incl‎udes the following songs: "I Love My Mom, I Love My Dad"; "If You Are Happy and You Know It"; "I'm Gonna Shout"; "Lord Listen to Your Children Praying", and "Thank You Lord On This Day".

The Family Fun video is comprised of these songs: "All Things Bright and Beautiful"; "Serve the Lord"; "Me and Bobby McGee"; "Thank You, God"; and "Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me".

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of OCTOBER 3rd, 2021

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

Today we are starting a tradition by naming September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. There are many ways we can bring small acts into our daily lives to work towards building a positive relationship with First Nations people. Here are some ideas: acknowledging the traditional territory of the Tla'amin Nation where we live, attending cultural events, watching a movie that informs us about the Residential School experience such as Indian Horse which can be found on Netflix, reading a book written by a First Nations author, and learning some of the language of the Tla'amin people. The videos this week include an acknowledgement of territory, and some songs using the ayajuthem language.

The Parent Tot Video has a book called, First Words, and a book called, Barney Plays Nose to Toes, as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together; The People on the Bus; Hechis (Paddling); Mo-os, Mukin (Head and Shoulders); and I See the Moon.

The Family Fun Video has another story from the book called, "Unlikely Friendships", along with the following songs: To Be Alive; Like a Rock; Kwagahosht Hechis (Here we go Paddling); God Reaches Out to Us with Love; and We Are One.

Please enjoy these songs and stories.

Kind Regards,
Brenda Pielle

Reaching Out To Families
Powell River United Church

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of SEPTEMBER 26th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of SEPTEMBER 19th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of SEPTEMBER 12th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of SEPTEMBER 5th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of August 29th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Week of August 22nd, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 15th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF AUGUST 8th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF July 25TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF July 18TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF July 11TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF July 4TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 27TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 20TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 13TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF June 6TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 30TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 23rd, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 16th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF MAY 9th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEKs OF APRIL 18th and 25th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF APRIL 11th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF March 28TH, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF March 21ST, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF March 14th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF March 7th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 31st, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 24th, 2021

Story, and Activity for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 17th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

WEEK OF JANUARY 10th, 2021

Story, Activity & Song for Young Families


Kids United Story and Activity


Story, Activity & Song for Young Families

Advent 4 • WEEK OF lOVE • DECEMBER 20TH, 2020

Story & Song for Young Families

Advent 3 • WEEK OF JOY • DECEMBER 13TH, 2020

Story & Activity for Young Families

Advent 2 • WEEK OF PEACE • DECEMBER 6TH, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

Advent 1 • WEEK OF HOPE • November 29TH, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF November 22nd, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF November 15th, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF November 8th, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF November 1ST, 2020 • Happy Halloween!

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 25TH, 2020 • Happy Halloween!

Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity



Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity


Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF JULY 26th, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity

FoR THE WEEK OF JULY 19th, 2020

Kids United Story and Activity