Daily Message and Prayer from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
We are flooded with all the violence and upheaval happening with our southern neighbours. Peace is an action word. It takes action from good leadership to bring about calm. A wise leader knows when to lead and when to follow, when to embrace and when to let go, when to give their opinion and when to remain silent, when to criticize and when to praise.
Let us continue to Serve with Love and pray for those who don't.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Excerpt From: Richard Skinner. “Colliding with God
Meditation on peace
Peace is not a thing to possess
but a way of possessing;
Peace is not a gift to be given,
but a way of giving;
Peace is not a topic to teach,
but a way of teaching;
Peace is not a theory to learn,
but a way of learning;
Peace is not an opinion to hold,
but a way of holding;
Peace is not a resolution of strife,
but a way of striving;
Peace is not a creed to preach,
but a way of preaching;
Peace is not a God to serve,
but a way of serving;
Peace is not a question to ask,
but a way of asking;
Peace is not an answer to seek,
but a way of seeking;
Peace is not a journey’s end,
but a way of journeying.
Prayer Of The Day
Prince Of Peace
We acknowledge You as the source of all peace.
We are grateful for the governmental peace which we enjoy in Canada and pray for the many areas in our world where there is no peace.
Especially, we think of our neighbours to the south.
Have compassion on their experiences and bestow understanding, resolution and revitalised power
to those who are making an attempt to terminate the aggression.
Where there is violence, may we influence others in ascertaining peace that is based on Your concept of justice.
As we ponder recent actions in the United States,
may they learn to serve each other with Love.