Wisdom of Love

Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

Do you ever notice whenever people gather or communicate, disagreements tend to happen? I have come to the conclusion that since we have different knowledge, we therefore have different opinions. If we open our minds to listen and hear what someone else is saying, we may begin to understand their perspective. We don’t have to agree, just be willing to listen with empathy, respect, and love.    

Keep safe, Keep connected. 
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary,

Ecclesiastes 9:13-18 The Message (MSG)

Wisdom Is Better than Muscle 

One day as I was observing how wisdom fares on this earth, I saw something that made me sit up and take notice. There was a small town with only a few people in it. A strong king came and mounted an attack, building trenches and attack posts around it. There was a poor but wise man in that town whose wisdom saved the town, but he was promptly forgotten. (He was only a poor man, after all.) 

All the same, I still say that wisdom is better than muscle, even though the wise poor man was treated with contempt and soon forgotten. 

The quiet words of the wise are more effective
Than the ranting of a king of fools. 

Wisdom is better than warheads,
But one hothead can ruin the good earth. 

Prayer Of The Day 

Wisdom Spirit, 

when we feel that we are being attacked blow your calming breath around and through us. May we be the calming presence for others in times of conflict. Fill our internal dialog with optimism so that we rise above our worries and fears. May we radiate compassion and respect so others sense our loving energy. We pray this in the name of the Creator, the Prince of Peace, and the Comforter.
