The Gifts God Gives Us
This past weekend, I had an opportunity to contemplate how important our unique and special God-given gifts can be as we work together through this time of Covid.
While Allan and I were helping to organize the celebration of life for Rev. Jim Erb, I felt so blessed to be surrounded by people with skills very different from mine. With Rev. Mary being away, we were fortunate to have Rev. Karen May who was able to give a very personal reflection on how Jim influenced her own path to ministry. We were uplifted by the recorded musical talents of several local people, including our own Brenda Pielle and David Richert. Because a friend of Jim’s brother-in-law had the skills to film and send his message from Ottawa, we were able to include it. Roger Whittiker’s expertise was invaluable in live-streaming and recording the service.
The most dramatic confluence of those special skills occurred right before the service. We had tested, fine-tuned, and coordinated the sound and videos the day before … but when we re-tested everything on the day, there was a terrible problem with the sound. I watched in awe as David and Roger rapidly unplugged, replugged, replaced, and re-tested wire after wire, and finally came up with a quick fix just minutes before the start time. Yes, it involved shutting off the mikes and most of the sound system, and left David and me switching a wire back and forth between my lap-top and his phone each time one or the other needed to play. It wasn’t optimal, but they saved the day. It was an amazing reminder of how we are each created differently for a reason — and how those different skills can be so necessary in bringing together a positive outcome.
Not everyone can be a doctor or a nurse — talents so critical at this time. But each one of us can bring our own gifts into making things work during our current situation.
Words of Inspiration
“There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to everyone for their particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.”
~ I Cor. 12:6,7. (GNB)
God of Our Genesis
We stand amazed at the many and varied gifts and talents You have created in each of Your unique children. Help us to recognize and appreciate the different skills of those around us. Help us also to identify, cultivate, and use our own gifts, along with others, to make a positive difference in Your world.