Your Calling

Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

It’s easy to identify those people who recognize and follow their calling. They are the people who serve with joy, love and compassion and these qualities are at the heart of what they do. I think of the nurses who are gentle and caring in their service. I also have met many teachers who genuinely want their students to succeed; they are the ones who patiently spend extra time with those who may be struggling or considered the problem children. People who answer their calling go above and beyond the demands of the position. Let us remember to tell them that they are appreciated. 

Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 

Romans 12:6-10  (TLB) 

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. So, if God has given you the ability to prophesy, then prophesy whenever you can—as often as your faith is strong enough to receive a message from God. If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching.  If you are a preacher, see to it that your sermons are strong and helpful. If God has given you money, be generous in helping others with it. If God has given you administrative ability and put you in charge of the work of others, take the responsibility seriously. Those who offer comfort to the sorrowing should do so with Christian cheer. 

Don’t just pretend that you love others: really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. Love each other with brotherly/sisterly affection and take delight in honoring each other. 

Prayer Of The Day 

For all that God can do within us, 

for all that God can do without us, 

thanks be to God. 

For all in whom Christ lives before us, 

for all in whom Christ lives beside us, 

thanks be to God. 

For all the Spirit wants to bring us, 

for where the Spirit wants to send us, 

thanks be to God. 


-Excerpt From: Iona Community “Wild Goose Big Book of Worship Resources 2.”