Your Spiritual Energy

Good Day and Blessings

I woke up this morning feeling quite content with my living condition at this time. Content because I am an introvert and my spiritual energy is fed by being alone, looking out into open spaces and contemplating life. But after a time, I began thinking about and empathizing with all those extroverts out there who get their spiritual energy from being with groups of people. This time of necessary isolation must be a difficult transition for them.  It must feel like the storm is blowing you off course and your boat is slowly sinking. Now might be the time to connect with others by using programs like Skype or Zoom or some other way to gather people together electronically. Start writing in a journal each day with messages to yourself and include at least three things for which you are grateful.

I have never appreciated more than now that I live in a country as caring as Canada. We are truly blessed.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary, 

Mark 4:37-40 (The Message Bible)

A huge storm came up. Waves poured into the boat, threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping! They roused him, saying, “Teacher, is it nothing to you that we’re going down?” Awake now, he told the wind to pipe down and said to the sea, “Quiet! Settle down!” The wind ran out of breath; the sea became smooth as glass. Jesus reprimanded the disciples: “Why are you so afraid? Don’t you have any faith at all?”

Prayer Of The Day

As we contemplate the luxury of being part of a faith community, 

as we long for the laughter of friends,

as we crave for the joy of fellowship,

We are thankful for your presence among us, Creating Creator.

We ask for strength, endurance and peace.

The strength to carry on when all that we hear on the news channels can be very frightening;

the endurance to tolerate the chaos of our world;

and the peace that is generated through the Spirit who  is our comforter.

May we forever remember that we are never alone and our boat can weather the storms.

We pray in faith of the One who fed and calmed many.
