You Are the Light of the World

Good Day and Blessings:

Every Wednesday afternoon the United Church Ministers from the Pacific Mountain Region gather by way of Zoom (a program online that connects large numbers of people). Yesterday, we broke out into small groups of four each to share how we are doing and what we are grateful for.  One idea that came from the meeting, about how to connect with others was a way we can share our talents and skills online through programs like Skype or Zoom. 

Examples are: how to cook something from your favourite recipes, how to knit a simple item, show us what tools you use to make a wooden product, or how different tools can be utilized for making various items. You know your skills and talents so let me know if you are willing to share them with others. 

I will be sharing worship service this Sunday as I continue to learn new skills on my laptop. I thank our Open Hearts (communications) Minister for sharing his skills and talents.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary, 

Matthew 5:14-16  (The Inclusive Bible) 

You are the light of the world. You don’t build a city on a hill, then try to hide it, do you? You don’t light a lamp, then put it under a bushel basket, do you? No, you set it on a stand where it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, your light must shine before others so that they may see your good acts and give praise to your Abba, God.

Prayer Of The Day

Generous Giver, 

Thank you for the abundance of life, skills and talents that we have been blessed with.  We are all in separation mode and some are feeling disconnected and lonely. Some are beginning to grieve the loss of the way things were.

Help us to know what we are to learn about ourselves during this time of physical separation.

Help us to meet the challenges of each new day and help us to be open and accepting of new possibilities.

We pray in the name of the One who ventured out into the wilderness to discover himself.
