Loving, Compassionate, and Open to Change

Good Morning and Blessings:

Not sending a Prayer Of The Day yesterday was not an April Fools’ joke. The Navigation Team meeting in the morning was followed by the delivery of last Sunday ‘s worship and the newsletter to those who do not have an internet connection. They were delivered -21  (a few weren’t home) within the physical distance guidelines. It was good to see so many smiles and to know that everyone is respecting safe distances.

Following the deliveries we had a trial online meditation through Zoom with Mars Constantinu and three others. This was done with the hope of having a weekly meditation for all of our internet connectors who wish to participate. So look for meditations coming to you online in the near future. 

Thank you to those who sent me bread making advice. I plan to try your tips as soon as I get back to the task. 

This Sunday, April 5th is Palm Sunday--marches and parades -- and next Sunday April 12this Easter, Communion, Sunday. I will remind you again later in the next week.

Look for this week’s newsletter coming out this afternoon.

Keep safe. Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary, 

Deuteronomy 4:29-31 The Message 

But even there, if you seek God, your God, you’ll be able to find God if you’re serious, looking with your whole heart and soul. When you are in distress and all these awful things happen to you, in future days you will come back to God, your God, and listen obediently to what is said. God, your God, is above all a compassionate God. In the end God will not abandon you, won’t bring you to ruin, won’t forget the covenant with your ancestors that God swore to them.

Prayer Of The Day

Caring Creator, we are grateful that we have you as our guide and through you we are part of a faith community. We are sisters and brothers who are loving, compassionate, and open to changes that are sometimes beyond our control. And we realize that change and new ways of doing life is not so difficult. We are grateful for this gift of life and learning experiences that change our perceptions and open our minds to diverse ways of worshiping. We pray for all who care for and about us. Keep them physically and mentally healthy so they are able to continue the care they provide. 

Bless this faith community who has a closer bond as we remain in and serve with Love.
