Good Afternoon and Blessings

By now, many of you have heard the horrific news coming out of Nova Scotia.  Nova Scotia is made up mostly of small villages where neighbours are known to each other. I can’t begin to know the shock and sorrow that, like a wave, has moved from small community to small community.

When I needed a break, I recall driving along the Glooscap Trail from Springhill to Masstown Market. The quiet picturesque villages, one connected to the next, had a calming affect that relaxed the Spirit within.  Now, these small communities are experiencing anarchy that, up until this past weekend was inconceivable.

Many have inquired about the safety of my family. They are approximately five hours away from the incidents and are safe. 

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Various Psalm Verses

  • How much longer must I endure grief in my soul, and sorrow in my heart by day and by night? (Ps 13:2)

  • Take pity on me, Yahweh, I am in trouble now. Grief wastes away my eye, my throat, my inmost parts. For my life is worn out with sorrow, my years with sighs. (Ps 31:9–10)

  • I am like water draining away, my bones are all disjointed, my heart is like wax, melting inside me. (Ps 22:14)

Prayer Of The Day

Creating God

You have gifted us with freewill that when we are unable to cope, is sometimes misused.

Today we keep in our prayers all those known and unknown who are affected by this national atrocity- the shocking and senseless killing of eighteen or more Nova Scotians. We are a country known for being kind and peaceful. May we trust that in time we will return to a place of peace.

We live in challenging times but we remain people of hope.


‘So I pray for you Gentiles that God who gives you hope will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in a Higher  Power. I pray that God will help you overflow with hope through the Holy Spirit’s power within you.’
Romans 15:13 


In the comfort of the Spirit, we pray.
