Happy Earth Day

Good Afternoon and Blessings

Happy Earth Day and as if it was planned, we had some much needed rain to water the plants of the earth.

This is a good day to be compassionate with yourselves; if you are wondering what you can do, I invite you to go to YouTube and look up Chris Hadfield, the Canadian astronaut, and listen to his advice.  He has some really good tips on how to cope. Checkout “View your coronavirus as an expedition” and “An astronaut’s guide to isolation”

Keeping safe means caring for yourselves physically and mentally and spiritually.

You are invited to meditation this evening at 7:30. You can join by following the link on the Powell River United Church website.

Keep safe, Keep connected.


Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Genesis • Selected Verses 11-12,  21-22

Then God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation: plants yielding seed and fruit trees on the earth yielding fruit after their kind with seed in them.” And it was so. The earth produced vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind and trees yielding fruit with seed in them after their kind. 

So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind.  Then God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.” And God saw that it was good

Prayer Of The Day

Creating Creator

You are the source of life and through the changing seasons, you continue to resurrect as life abounds.

We are sometimes thoughtless and take for granted the gifts we are given. Help us to remember that the gifts we receive from the earth are sacred and to be accepted with the grace in which they are given.

May this period of isolation be a time for discernment.

A time for introspection on what is really important in this life we are gifted.

We are uncertain of where this journey will take us and what we can expect when we join together again.

But in faith we can be certain that the Spirit within is greater than any obstacles that confront us.

We pray for this assurance in Christ’s name.
