Finding Patience

Good Afternoon and Blessings

Well it is official the Greece trip that I booked and was planning to take at the end of May has been cancelled. This is a journey that I have been planning for more than a year. Now on to plan B: depending on the travel ban, I may go on a silent retreat or I may just stay home.

This is not disappointing because I know restrictions are in place to keep everyone safe. And it is proving to work.

I am grateful to have a loving supportive faith community, family and friends.

On my deliveries of the Sunday Service and Newsletter to those who are not online, I notice a number of you out walking. I am pleased to see some of you are remaining active while staying at a good physical distance.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Matthew 5:3-5 (Romans 5:3-5 ERV)

And we are also happy with the troubles we have. Why are we happy with troubles? Because we know that these troubles make us more patient. And this patience is proof that we are strong. And this proof gives us hope. And this hope will never disappoint us. We know this because the Creator has poured out love to fill our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Prayer Of The Day

Creating God

Sometimes it takes all our power to find the patience

to tolerate this journey we are on.

Sometimes we forget that our life journey is made up of attaining knowledge and having learning opportunities.

Help us discover all that we are meant to know about ourselves during these down times.

May we recognize the positives in all our experiences and may we be given the patience to get us through.

We pray this in the name of the One who demonstrated love and patience.
