The Fullness of Life

Good Afternoon and Blessings

We are blessed, and even though it is from a distance, like all families, we are here to support each other.

For all who are making inquiries, Grant and I are well. My father and brother are both at home and although they have other health issues, are remaining safe from CIVID 19. 

We continue to journey forward in hope through this time of unsolicited sojourning.  This also shall pass.

Below is a link Service for Good Friday service from the United Church Of Canada:

I hope to see you online this evening at 7:30pm for meditation with Mars.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

An Excerpt from A Song Of Faith Creed • United Church Of Canada, 2006 

The fullness of life includes

moments of unexpected inspiration and courage lived out,

experiences of beauty, truth, and goodness,

blessings of seeds and harvest, 

friendship and family, intellect and sexuality,

the reconciliation of persons through justice 

and communities living in righteousness,

and the articulation of meaning.

And so we sing of God the Spirit,

who from the beginning has swept over the face of creation,

animating all energy and matter

and moving in the human heart.

Prayer Of The Day

Holy One, be with us during this worldly period of concern and sacrifice. Through feelings of loneliness guide us to a sense of solitude where we know that we truly are not alone and we can hear your still small voice. You remain with and within us. 

We pray for power and strength: the power to reach out when we feel it is time to share our feelings and to connect with friends and family; and the strength to imagine a better future as we walk with the uncertainties.

Bless each of us as we continue to serve with love 
