The Inner Sanctuary

Good Afternoon and Blessings

Every second Tuesday of the month, the Ministers from the various Powell River Christian denominations come together to pray and provide support. On the Zoom program, we virtually met this morning.  We had a discussion about how this pandemic is demonstrating that where we worship is greater than the church building.

This is a fact that was observed in the early Christian years when worship was offered in the people’s home.

Yes, we miss the fellowship but this will not disappear, for we will be together again.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Hebrews 8:3-5

The assigned task of a high priest is to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and it’s no different with the priesthood of Jesus. If he were limited to earth, he wouldn’t even be a priest. We wouldn’t need him since there are plenty of priests who offer the gifts designated in the law. These priests provide only a hint of what goes on in the true sanctuary of heaven, of which Moses caught a glimpse as he was about to set up the tent-shrine. It was then that God said, “Be careful to do it exactly as you saw it on the Mountain.”

Prayer Of The Day

God of Love and Grace

We are missing the place we have come to know as the sanctuary where we have gathered for worship over the years. Help us to recognize that we each carry within our heart a sacred sanctuary.

Through Christ, you have gifted us with the example of true Love. With this Love within, help us to know the Love that we carry and long to share.

As we listen in silence for your still small voice, we long to hear you in the sanctuary of our heart.

Through comfort and peace, may we be transformed by the Holy Spirit.  Amen.