Good & Whole Life

Good Afternoon and Blessings

During the Mountain Region town hall meeting this afternoon, we were advised not to rush back together too quickly. Almost every scenario was discussed. It was determined that it is better to be cautious and maintain a safe environment.

If you plan to join in the meditation at 7:30 this evening, please go to the Powell River United Church website and click on the link.

Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Isaiah 27:2-5

At that same time, a fine vineyard will appear. There’s something to sing about! I, God, tend it. I keep it well watered. I keep careful watch over it so that no one can damage it. I’m not angry. I care. Even if it gives me thistles and thorn bushes, I’ll just pull them out and burn them up. Let that vine cling to me for safety, let it find a good and whole life with me, let it hold on for a good and whole life.

Prayer Of The Day

Creating Creator

Like the vine in a fine vineyard, we know your secure embrace. Your presence is felt around and within us.

We pray today for all those who provide loving-care for others. May they take time to find a quiet place to restore their energy and regain balance in their daily life.

We pray for the leaders of our country. May they continue to take the advice of the scientists and maintain safe communities for us all.

We pray for all those who respect the advice given to continue safe distancing. May they understand that they are contributing to keeping us all safe.

We pray these in the name of the one who said ”I am

the Vine”.
