Power of Words

What Words Mean to Me • Message and Prayer from Wendy Barker

Words have always fascinated me — their shapes and sounds, linguistic origins and subtle nuances in meaning.  During this Covid-19 period, I’ve begun to think of words in a different way — for the ways in which they keep us connected and keep us focused.

I often feel the connection of words when I’m out walking.  The friendly, “Hello, lovely day today!” from the people I pass makes me feel a part of community even in my socially-distanced isolation.

I sense the power of words to keep me focused when I hear Bonnie Henry’s repeated advice to “Be calm, be kind, be safe”.  It reminds me of the “Keep calm and carry on” slogan that kept Britain’s morale up during WWII.

I have so appreciated Rev. Mary’s daily prayer messages.  Her words have helped us to keep our connection with each other, with our ministry as a church, and with our faith.  They have kept us focused on the positive strength of God’s love — a love that uplifts and upholds us, and that we can continue to share with others around us.  

And I feel so inspired and thankful that a few of our congregation members have agreed to share some of their own words as a way to maintain our daily prayer messages and keep our connection during Rev. Mary’s well-deserved vacation time over the coming 3 weeks.

Proverbs 25:11 (ESV)

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Prayer of the Day

Creator God,

Help us to be aware of the tremendous power of words.

You remind us in John’s gospel that “In the beginning was the Word,

And the Word was with God, and the Word was God …

All things were made through him … 

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” 

Teach us to listen for your Word in all that is around us,

And to be ready and willing to share words of love with those we meet.
