A Message About Messages

Message of the Day from Wendy Barker

I’d like to add my thanks to Rev. Mary’s to the people who were willing to provide the “Thought for the Day” during Rev. Mary’s vacation.  I so appreciated the thought and creativity that went into those messages.

We have had some very positive feedback about the value to all of us of hearing from various members of the congregation in this way.  It has helped to keep us connected by reminding us that we are woven into a wider group that shares a common faith, enriched by a variety of perspectives.

We’ve been asked to see if it is possible to continue with providing at least a couple of messages a week from congregation members.  This would help to maintain the feeling of connection with the wider group, and would also alleviate some pressure on Rev. Mary to create inspiring messages every day as well as providing Sunday services, Thursday newsletters, and ongoing pastoral care.

It is said that every person has at least one sermon in them.  We’re not looking for full-scale sermons, but during this Covid-19 isolation, many of us have had time for contemplation, and perhaps culled out a few gems of thought that could be shared.

So, I’m wondering if there are those who would be willing to write a “Thought for the Day” for me to post.  I’d like to make up a list of those who might choose to do:

-one every second week

-one per month

-one and only one!

Please do not feel pressured by this request.  We each have our own ways of sharing, and this is just one possibility.  On the other hand, if you are even slightly interested, I’d love to hear from you!

-Wendy Barker