Love Compassion & Prayer

It has been difficult to watch the news these past few months.  First to hear of the number of people who have died from the Covid-19 virus, and this past week to see the violence, looting, and unrest that is happening south of the border.  At times we might feel helpless with a wish that there would be something we could do to stop the suffering.

“In suffering love our God comes now, hope’s vision born in gloom; with tears and laughter shared and blessed the desert yet will bloom”

- VU 614 In Suffering Love

Sometimes I find myself shrugging and saying, “I guess all we can do is pray” as though this is a weak last resort.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

- Dalai Lama XIV

Today I am reminding myself that prayer is a powerful first line of action that we can all do at all times.  Our world needs prayer at this time so let us continue to bring our concerns to God, and share God’s love with those around us.

Psalm 67 1-4  New Living Translation

“May God be merciful and bless us. May God’s face smile with favour on us. May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere.  May the nations praise you, O God, yes, may all the nations praise you.  Let the whole world sing for joy, because you govern the nations with justice and guide the people of the whole world.”

Prayer of the Day

Dear God

You are the Creator of the universe and the anchor for our thoughts that might take us to dark places of worry and anxiety.  Help us to know you are present with us and present with the world, even as struggles happen that we do not always understand.  Help us to have compassion for all people and to seek to understand where injustice is alive so we can be equipped to try to help those who are oppressed and suffering.  Give us the strength to walk through these uncertain times.  Thank you for gifting us with wonderful companions on our faith journey, others we can reach out to for connection and support.  Lord God, be with all those who are suffering at this time, and give them your peace and comfort.  We pray in the powerful name of Jesus
