Thoughts for the Day, from Trudy Simpson

Feel or touch is an important “sense”.  I find the loss of it very distressing.  I am on a journey of grief (again) and feel the deep sense of loss when hugs are at a distance!  The touch of someone is therapeutic and healing.  It is a must for many of us, and now we pretend we feel the hug you are “sending” virtually!  It definitely is not the same, but oh so welcome when you say “sending a hug your way”!!!!

Distancing is probably going to be a fact of our future, but let’s keep on “hugging” at a distance and telling those we love that we love them.  It’s not said often enough.  God so loves us and shows us daily in many ways.  We are ever so grateful for this.


We are living through a period of deep disruption, chaos and anxiety.  The things and people we hold most dear have been separated from us and the normal order of life has been utterly upended.  The prophet Elijah was in a similar place.  Rejected by his people, chased by his government, he was the last prophet in the land of Israel.  Lonely and afraid, disconnected and heartbroken, Elijah wanted for God.


God of silence and stillness,

We trust you are with us in this time of noise and chaos.  We pray for an end to this pandemic.  Whisper your word of comfort, encouragement and hope to all who need them in these days of fear.  Draw close to those who are sick and all those who risk illness, caring for them, protecting and uplifting them.  

In your name, we pray.  Amen.