Nature's Music

Thought of the Day by Del Mansell

The thing I’ve missed most since the Covid lockdown began is singing in my choirs, the making of music.  This week I would have been singing at Kathaumixw.

I have, however, become more aware of nature’s music all around me.

I wake up early in the morning (too early actually) to the persistent warble of a neighbourhood robin that insists on a perpetual heralding of the glorious dawning of a new day.  What an annoyingly happy sound!

As I lay awake trying to fall back asleep I think of the many other voices of nature:  the wind whistling through the branches of our mighty pine trees, the gurgling of water over rocks in a brook, the mighty roar of white water rapids in a fast flowing river, the distant rumble of thunder coming down the mountains and  through the valleys, the pitter patter of a light rain on the roof or the hiss of a torrential downpour as it hits the ground, the buzzing of bees and yes, even the raucous squawking of the crows.  Mother Nature’s music!

I have been delighted and honoured to get together with David and Brenda over the past few weeks to record some of our favourite hymns.  David & Brenda quickly decide on the “introduction” of the hymn and we agree on how to end (do we slow down, “tag” (repeat) the last line or just keep up to tempo?).  With this decided, off we go to perform the hymn in one take with mistakes included.  This is exactly what you would hear if we were performing live in a worship service.  So we decided to call ourselves “The One Take Wonders”.

More Voices #30

It’s the chorus of all creation, it’s sung by all living things.

It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings.

Scripture:  Psalm 100 vs 1-3

Sing to the Lord, all the world!  Worship the Lord with joy; come before God with happy songs!  Never forget that the Lord is God.  God made us and we belong to God.  We are God’s people, we are God’s flock.


Loving Creator, we thank you and praise you for your love and grace in our lives.  Help us to use our voices to affect change and bring peace and justice into our world.  We ask this in the name of the one you sent to lead us and teach us.
