Garden of Hope

Message from Rev. Mary White

Good Day and Blessings.

Recently I received an unexpected gift from Dianna Tobi, who was a member of a youth group that I led at Coldstream Pastoral Charge in Nova Scotia.

I remember when Dianna first joined our youth group, she was very shy and didn’t contribute much to our conversations, but she was also one of the first to agree to write letters or march in support of those experiencing injustices. So it didn’t surprise me when Tobi, returning from a youth group mission trip to Newfoundland, started planning for a community garden that we named Judy’s Garden of Hope.  Judy was a friend and an avid gardener who died at age 57 from pancreatic cancer.  Tobi eventually contributed creative ideas to our youth group conversations and fun’raisers.

The gift was a video for a college course presentation by Tobi. It was presented with great confidence about the creation of Judy’s Garden of Hope and how it has grown to so much success.  Much like Tobi has blossomed into a beautiful, confident young woman.

Rev. Mary

Poem • Never Walk Away

Dear Friend,

Guard clear thinking and common sense with your life;
    don’t for a minute lose sight of them.
They’ll keep your soul alive and well,
    they’ll keep you fit and attractive.
You’ll travel safely,
    you’ll neither tire nor trip.

You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry,
    you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.
No need to panic over alarms or surprises,
    or predictions that doomsday’s just around the corner,
Because God will be right there with you;
to keep you safe and sound.

 Never walk away from someone who deserves help;
    your hand is God’s hand for that person.
Don’t tell your neighbour “Maybe some other time”
    or “Try me tomorrow”
    when the money’s right there in your pocket.
Don’t figure ways of taking advantage of your neighbour
    when he’s sitting there trusting and unsuspecting.

Proverbs • 3:19-29   (MSG)

With Lady Wisdom, God formed Earth;
with Madame Insight, Heaven was raised.
They knew when to signal rivers and springs to the surface,
    and dew to descend from the night skies.

Prayer of the Day

Holy Spirit

Blow into our minds power, strength and confidence. Blow into our hearts positive feelings of Love and joy. Blow into every inch of our beings courage to support and stand with young people who demonstrate their desire for a changed better world. 

May we rejoice in hope for a future filled with love for friend, neighbour, and stranger.
