Maintaining Connections

Daily Message and Prayer from Rev. Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Today when I think of the term “calling” what comes to mind are those special people around this pandemic world who are serving with love. They are the ones who give their all for the good of all.

I include with them those who continue to wear masks and keep a good physical distance. They are demonstrating an essential concern for the well-being of others. These selfless acts of mission come from basic Christian and other religious teachings. Even those who claim not to believe in a Higher Power, are performing as if they do. 

Although we in the larger Church are experiencing a decrease in the numbers of those involved with established religion, we are still able to maintain communities of faith.

Especially during months of isolation and restrictions we recognize the need for connections on a spiritual level. More than ever, we are observing the Spirit at work in our communities, and we are blessed.

Romans 11:2-6 The Message (MSG)

Do you remember that time Elijah was agonizing over this same Israel and cried out in prayer? God, they murdered your prophets, They trashed your altars; I’m the only one left and now they’re after me! And do you remember God’s answer? I still have seven thousand who haven’t quit, Seven thousand who are loyal to the finish.

It’s the same today. There’s a fiercely loyal minority still—not many, perhaps, but probably more than you think. They’re holding on, not because of what they think they’re going to get out of it, but because they’re convinced of God’s grace and purpose in choosing them. If they were only thinking of their own immediate self-interest, they would have left long ago.

Community • Poem from “My Soul Feels Lean” by Joyce Rupp

Branches touch. 
Limbs assure one another,
“I’m here.” 

No matter how fierce the storm,
“I’m here.”

In spite of how
jagged and torn the branches,

“I’m here beside you through
the long turbulent nights.
I’ll reach to connect with you
in the wildest of winds. 
Be assured of my presence. 
Have confidence.
I’m here.”

Prayer of the Day • In Every Breath

Except from “Voices Out of Lockdown” – by Jan Sutch Pickard

Take a breath

God, our Maker, you shaped humanity and breathed life into your creation. 

Generation after generation you bring us to being and breathe life into us – your children – you see all the good that is in us. 

Take a breath

And we see how good it is, good that we can live full and fulfilled lives; good when there is fullness of life for all, for each of your children – food and shelter, fresh air and health. 

Take a breath 

But we see that things are far from good: when our chances of life are so unequal, when those who care for others are at such risk, when lies from the powerful take our breath away, when cruelty becomes everyday. 

And when good people are taken before their time, we ask: Where are you God? 

Take a breath

Jesus, our Brother, sharing our human lives and our mortality, the world saw in you the presence of God. 

Your life and death show that God is with us where innocent people suffer and struggle for breath, as you did on the cross. 

You accompany us at each stage of our lives with deep compassion, with anger at injustice. 

Take a breath

Holy Spirit, Encourager, you are there in the care home, in the hospital ward, behind the counter, behind the mask, when we’re lost for words or overwhelmed by them, taking to the streets and in the loneliness of lock down. 

Take a breath

You inspire us with the goodness of our neighbours, with gifts to serve the good of all, with the oxygen of hope, and love that is life-giving. 

Take a breath 

God-with-us in every breath…

Take a breath 

In every breath. 
