Awaken to Love

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” is a quote by Socrates which begs the question: how wise are you?

Sometimes we are judgemental or negative towards people without realizing that we are in fact projecting onto them how we really feel about ourselves. We often do this from a subconscious level. Projection consists of taking our own undesirable traits or mind-sets and attributing them to others. This is a defence mechanism that takes the focus from the self. After all, no one wants anyone to think negatively towards them.

By knowing ourselves, we will recognize when we are using projection. And therefore, from within work toward making changes and being acceptable to ourselves. This is the beginning of wisdom.

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

Halloween is upon us and it is such a fun time for our children and youth. Each video this week has two Halloween stories and some Halloween songs. I hope you enjoy a safe and dry evening on October 31st with some sweet hot chocolate and black licorice - those are my favourites.

The Parent Tot video has the Higgle-dee-Piggle-dee opening song once again, as well as The Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Hear Thunder, Five Little Pumpkins, The Wheels on the Bus with Halloween words, and Jesus Loves Me. The books read are called My First Halloween, and Boo.

The Family Fun video starts with the song Grandma's Feather Bed,and also has the songs: Jack O' Lantern, and Don't Be Afraid. The books read are The Pumpkin Blanket and Squasherella.

Thanks for singing along

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

The Everybody Deserves a Smile project has begun organizing for Christmas 2021. We are asking our congregation to knit socks, toques, and mittens for adults -- partially wool material is best and we will accept purchased items. Sizes medium to extra large are best.

Also we are asking that you gather toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, combs, brushes, and feminine sanitary products--tampons and pads. 

When we are ready, invitations will come out to join in making cards and painting bags.

Reading: Be Awake

from The Way to Love: Meditations for Life by Anthony De Mello

Everywhere in the world people are in search of love, for everyone is convinced that love alone can save the world, love alone can make life meaningful and worth living. But how very few understand what love really is, and how it arises in the human heart. It is so frequently equated with good feelings toward others, with benevolence or nonviolence or service. But these things in themselves are not love. Love springs from awareness. It is only in as much as you see someone as he or she really is here and now and not as they are in your memory or your desire or in your imagination or projection that you can truly love them, otherwise it is not the person that you love but the idea that you have formed of this person, or this person as the object of your desire not as he or she is in themselves. Therefore, the first act of love is to see this person or this object, this reality as it truly is. If it is love that you truly desire then set out at once on the task of seeing, take it seriously and look at someone you dislike and really see your prejudice. Look at someone you cling to or something you cling to and really see the suffering, the futility, the unfreedom of clinging and look long and lovingly at human faces and human behaviour.

Poem: Morning Song of Love by Macrina Wiederkehr 

You awaken me at the break of day 

With the melody of your love song 

Strumming across my sleepy mind. 

You call me to be in tune with you, 

To arise with deep remembrance 

Of the sweet harmony of your music. 

Let me move into full wakefulness, 

Attentive to your song within me 

As I prepare to greet each morning. 

Sing your love in me throughout the day. 

Today: I hear the Morning Song of Love in me.


May You Recognize the Magic of God in Everything…

Behind Every Shadow

Behind Every Mask

Behind Every Trick

Behind Every Treat


PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, October 31st

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of Prayer

Prayer by Thom M. Shuman

Loving Spirit You Call Us

To find community in those we overlook,

to welcome hope offered by the broken,

to be rich soil for the seeds of the humble,

to see justice as the feast of heaven,

to make compassion our language of love,

to see God in the faces of the most vulnerable,

to welcome everyone, and hurt no one,

to learn reconciliation from those we have tossed aside.

May we learn the lessons that help us to live in a way 

that we have been created to be.
