Merry Christmas to All

Light of God Message from Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Merry Christmas!

We are affected again with an outpouring of the escalating COVID-19 pandemic. And again, this year we celebrate Christmas somewhat disappointed that we are not together as planned. But as I believe, life turns out the way it is meant to. There are lessons for us to learn in all life experiences. Patience and tolerance for all people comes to mind.

All in Person Worship Services are Temporarily Cancelled Due to COVID Safety Concerns:

• Christmas Eve Worship Service Available Online Only

• Boxing Day Worship Service Available Online Only

Further announcements will be made in the New Year regarding In-person Worship Services.

It is days like these that suggests how dependent we are on each other We all exist as part of the universe and independence is an illusion. Society is like a net each part connected gives the best security. But, if we cut pieces from the net, it is not as strong and becomes vulnerable.

This shared humanity like any disaster unites us, bringing us together in a common experience. So, let us rejoice this Christmas as children of the cosmos knowing that others, like us, are also celebrating at the same time.

Have a very joyous Christmas, for in Spirit we are together. 

With Love,
Rev. Mary White

‎Dear Parents, Families and Friends,

The fourth week of Advent is upon us and the wonderful theme is LOVE. We are so fortunate to be recipients of God's love and we remember the great gift showing us that love when we remember the birth of Jesus at this time of year.

I pray that you can feel the presence of God's love in your work, school, and home.

This week the Parent Tot video has the reading of two books: one about a Christmas celebration for a mouse, and one about the birth of Jesus. The songs this week are the two Advent songs we have been repeating during this season: It's About Hope, and Hope is a Star, as well as When Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney, Away in a Manger, andWe Wish You A Merry Christmas.

The Family Fun video has a reading of the book, Moostletoe and a poem about Jesus' birth, the Advent songs we have done each week: I've Got the Hope and Light One Candle for Hope, as well as Silver Bells, Jingle Bells, Alleluia, and Feliz Navidad.

May you experience hope, peace,joy and love on Christmas day 2021.

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading & Poem Excerpt from “Voices Out of Lockdown”

I Lift Up My Eyes (Lockdown Psalm) – Martin Wroe

I lift up my eyes from this lockdown.

Outside, I cover my face. My friends become danger, I become threat. Inside, these walls close in this safety and this cage.

Inside, we’re too close and a little distant. Inside, I’m alone, I’m scared. Outside, I step aside from you, hold my breath as you pass.

I lift up my eyes from this lockdown. I thought plagues were the tantrums of a petulant god we no longer believe in.

So why can’t I see my parents, can’t hold my grandchildren, except on this screen that frees me as it captures me?

I lift up my eyes, they are wet from my tears. Why wouldn’t I break down? We had our differences but, what I said, it came out wrong, I have these regrets. My days slip through these dried-out fingers, raw from washing, wet from tears.

I lift up my eyes from this lockdown. From where will my help come?

I don’t know if I believe in you.

You don’t make it easy. I’m not strong enough to carry much belief.

Is there someone who believes in me, who might carry me, hold me, might be present in ways I never knew, looking towards me, as I lift up these eyes, with faith, with hope, with love?

Is that too much to ask? Is that a prayer?

My help comes in a window box, the shy defiance of a yellow daffodil.

On a street, the mauve wisteria, showing off.

The discreet conversation of the trees – what must they say about us?

The dance of every season, the dawn, the dusk, how they carry us.

My help comes hidden inside PPE, from those who heal and protect, deliver food, run errands. Who call me, on the phone, across a street:

‘Can you believe this?’ ‘How’s your day?’

My help comes from those who sit and listen when I no longer make sense.

Who wash me clean, and break a broken blessing over me, who walk beside us when we die.

They neither slumber nor sleep.

No wonder they look exhausted.

How they carry us.

My help comes when I notice those who love me.

I hold them tenderly, in all this silence.

The being held, the holding, the weighted joy that cradles all the sorrow, all the loss, all this love in all this lif

How they carry us.

I hold them all, they hold me.

Wherever I go, they go with me.

At my going out and my coming in, my end and my beginning from this time forth, for evermore.

Even when I cannot catch another breath still they breathe my life, that I may breathe easy again.

I lift up my eyes and find my help comes from knowing Love is present, against the odds and carries us.

I lift up my eyes and see that Love will keep our lives.

From this time forth, for evermore.

Everybody Deserves A Smile qathet

“Our season was a huge success and we couldn’t have done it without your ongoing support! To meet the increasing need in our community, 287 kindness packages were delivered last week.

The power of community is amazing.
Our hearts are full.”

Thank You,
Love the EDAS qathet team!

PRUC Online Worship Service Only

Please join us Christmas Eve and Boxing Day.

PRAYER • Living Spirit

We are your children, children created with qualities of strength and adaptability.

May we accept this phase of lockdowns as lessons in patience and tolerance.

Remind us that we are not alone, we have Love guiding us and all will be well, and all matters of things will be well.

May we be grateful for technology that keeps us connected with which we now have experience.

May we remember that church is not a building, church is the people.

In faith, let us remain united as we labour through these interesting times and in Spirit celebrate the Christmas Birth.
