Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
One silver lining in exile is that there is plenty of time for reflecting on a poem or the page of a good book. Finding a deeper meaning in any writing will be different for each person reading the same article. Once a writer exposes their work, it no longer belongs to them because it is now owned by the reader. For this reason, sharing those personal experiences broadens our perceptions and in many ways our world.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Reading “Our Hearts Still Sing” by Peter Millar
Many writers, dramatists and poets lead us on spiritual journeys of huge significance. Through their works they revive the memory of God, often in ways which possess a depth of imagination the churches lack. Writer Nikos Kazantzakis expresses this returning to God powerfully: ‘I have one longing only: to grasp what is hidden behind appearance. What is my work? To let the mind fall silent that I may hear the invisible calling.’
The Psalmist put it this way:
‘Lord, you are the source of all life, and because of your light, we see the light.’ (Psalm 36:9)
Whispering Light
Through many venues, you are consistent in placing your spirit in our hearts. May we be mindful of those moments that daily provide us with life filled joy. Be present to us, Loving One, and grace us with glimpses of a world beyond the obvious. Take us deeper, we pray in the name of the One who is our example to follow.