Daily Devotional Message from Rev. Mary White
“They brought to him a deaf man who had an
impediment in his speech…. [Jesus] took him
aside in private…put his fingers into his ears,
and he spat and touched his tongue.… And
immediately his ears were opened, his tongue
was released, and he spoke plainly.”
– Mark 7:32–33, 35
Deep, internal healing is about discerning God head-on through Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is about getting personal with Jesus, perhaps through a spiritual guide, and letting Christ become personal with us and touch us. As we do so, he draws us out of ourselves into something new. But discerning intimacy with God is essential, listening for God as the energy and shaper of our life, and learning to see more clearly the fullness of God at work transforming in us and in all. Then we can experience the multi-dimensional, ever-pervasive, luring love-call of God even more. We are unleashed to know greater freedom and new life.
At communion, the bread is broken so it can be shared. We don’t just stare at a lovely, fresh-baked loaf. As we are intentional about the healing of our own soul, opening ourselves to God’s grace, we learn how to be with others. We are able to invite them to explore God’s healing power already working in them, bringing them to new life.
Reflective Question
As a new Sunday emerges tonight, await God’s personal Word of new life to you. How is God working in your life and bringing abundant healing to your soul?”
Excerpt From: Betty Lynn Schwab “Rising with the Morning Star.”
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary