Your Home

Daily Devotional Message from Rev. Mary White


         “I say to you, stand up and take your bed and go      

          to your home.” Immediately he stood up before    

          them…        – Luke 5:24–25 

A man who is unable to move physically is empowered by the call of Jesus to get up and go home. He is enabled to do what he thought he could not. The faith-filled people surrounding him are amazed, including the scribes and the Pharisees, who can be the most critical. 

In biblical times, sickness was considered a result of sin and led to a person’s being judged unclean and cut off from the community. Though many know better today, we are often challenged to make daily life-decisions that contribute to our health and wholeness. That is never easy. 

When we lose sight of God’s presence in and around us, we often choose to move in directions that may not be the best for our body, mind, and spirit. But as Jesus calls us from our life-situations, especially our paralysis, and asks us to take on a new perspective and orientation, from what seems like an ending comes a new beginning. 

Over the years, I have learned through experience and openness to the Spirit, how God is working out God’s purposes of healing and wholeness with humanity. As with the story of the paralyzed man, so it is with us. Whatever position we have or hold on to in life, Jesus calls us to arise and get on our way. As we receive and follow his words, we will know God’s way. 

Reflection Question

How might you be lifted up out of your place and life into something new, and what would that entail? 

Excerpt From: Betty Lynn Schwab. “Rising with the Morning Star.”  


Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary