Beyond Duality

Remaining Faithful Message from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

“That’s not fair!” We often hear this from children who sense that they are not being treated the same as others. 

Life is not the same all the time. Although there is joy in life, we do not experience it at all times. I have confidence that to appreciate joy to the fullest, we must also experience sorrow. To appreciate love to the fullest, we must also experience indifference. I believe that there is a natural balance in life. We may have negative experiences, but we also have positive experiences. Whether we see life as fair or unfair depends on where we choose to focus our attention.  

Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary

Reading • Ecclesiastes 9:11-12  (ERV) 

Life Is Not Fair 

I also saw other things in this life that were not fair. The fastest runner does not always win the race; the strongest soldier does not always win the battle; wise people don’t always get the food; smart people don’t always get the wealth; educated people don’t always get the praise they deserve. When the time comes, bad things can happen to anyone!  You never know when hard times will come. Like fish in a net or birds in a snare, people are often trapped by some disaster that suddenly falls on them. 


Comforting Spirit

may we remember that your presence is constantly within us during the joys and the struggles of life experiences. Along this gifted journey, may we find the positive in all that life places before us. May we observe life as lessons to be learned and Love to be shared. With open hearts, we pray.
