
Message of Support from Reverend Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

The following is a passionate communication from our daughter: 

Katie White 

June 3 at 1:33pm 

73% of First Nations’ water systems are at a HIGH or medium risk of contamination, with 58 boil advisories in place RIGHT NOW. If Halifax, Victoria, Moncton etc. had a boil advisory in place, it would be fixed as soon as possible. If canada cared about its First Nations at all, the same would be done for their communities. Trudeau committed to having all advisories lifted by March 2021, and clearly failed. Trudeau only cares about supporting minorities in THEORY, instead of making easy decisions to make the lives of these communities safer. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party continue to take Survivors of canada’s residential schools to court to fight against their ability to receive compensation for the trauma they were forced to endure.  

So, what can we do? You’re a white canadian who benefits off of the systemic racism and trauma while being on unceded territory and feel like you want to help.  

1. LISTEN. Listen to what Indigenous peoples are saying. Put down your defences, listen to their stories, their calls to action and don’t believe that you know what is best. You will never face their realities or fully understand. Listen. 

2. RESEARCH. If you don’t know what’s going on and what canada is built on, educate yourself. It’s no longer an excuse to say you never learned in school, because schools perpetuate these issues by NOT educating students on the truth of how canada and the catholic church attempted genocide on our First Nations. We are adults. There are many resources available online. Don’t make your Indigenous friends constantly explain and educate you, that is not their job. Indigenous people don’t just exist to explain to every white person why they deserve to exist and live without their human rights being continuously violated. 

3. SPEAK UP. Listen to the conversations your friends and family are having. Speak up when racist remarks are made, correct comments with misinformation, educate your children and families on residential schools and what children were forced to endure. If it’s uncomfortable, you’re doing something right. White people have sat in comfort for too long, aware of what we and the catholic church have done to First Nations without a worry. 

4. REACH OUT to your local MP and demand action to give First Nations clean drinking water. Boil advisories and unclean water is a human rights violation and a public health crisis. Call for the arrests of all murderers involved in the residential schools in canada. You can also send letters to Trudeau and Marc Miller, the Federal Minister of Indigenous Services. 

5. Donate if you can: 



Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary