Bigger Spirit

Remaining Faithful with Reverend Mary White 

Good Afternoon and Blessings 

The life time we are gifted is impermanent which may be the reason we attach to material possessions. The things we accumulate give us some sense of comfort, and identity, but should we lose all we have, we believe our identity is ruined.   

We tend to strive for a life like those who have the most up to date, most expensive, biggest things. The problem is, we overlook the impact on the environment, the climate, in which this expensive, big lifestyle reigns. Bigger houses, bigger cars, bigger boats – bigger does nothing to support the only planet we need for existence. The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side. Being conscious of the earth’s needs, let us focus on how we can best exist within our ability. 

Stay safe. Stay connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary

Reading: In Sync And Out Of Step

Excerpt from Tom Stella “In Sync with the Sacred, Out of Step with the World.” 

It is surely the sacred to which we respond when, instead of judging ourselves or others as selfish because we want a blissful life, we pause long enough to recognize the source of our longing; we are made to have it all. Society tells us to strive for what we desire and that, if we achieve what it values then we should feel settled. But the wisdom of a deeper self invites us to realize that because we are spiritual beings, we will always experience a “holy discontent,” a yearning for what is out of reach, a hunger for what is ultimate and infinite. And although a life other than the one we’re living may be appealing, that same wisdom suggests that we look deeper within to find the “greener grass” for which we long, the infinite All for which we are made. 


Creating One 

You created us in your image and infiltrated us with your Spirit.  

Give us the wisdom to understand that our longing for more material things will not fulfill our deep desires. May we lose the fear of losing all possessions and learn to let go of attachments to things. May we be aware that earthly gifts, given freely, will help to satisfy our spiritual yearnings. May we always serve with Love and recognize the beloved in others. We pray this in the Spirit of Love. 
