Stop to Experience God's Love and Abundance

Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Seeking communion with our Higher Power is not just a Sunday morning affair. As we go about our days and our weeks, we are required to remain awake for the signs of Love all around us. Otherwise, we miss the joys of life and linger in a daily mundane existence.

“Let us remain in communion with our Higher Power and be alive to life.”

‘Stop and smell the roses’
 is not just a cliché that is meaningless. The deeper meaning to this saying is that we must be awake to life in order to live it fully and experience a Presence whose abundance surrounds us from within and outside our very being.

With Love
Rev. Mary White

Family Fun with Brenda Pielle

Have you ever found yourself so engrossed in someone's telling of a story that you could imagine what was happening like a movie in your mind? It seems these days we have so many opportunities to receive stories on TV or through our electronic devices, we can forget to take time to share stories in person with one another. Our photo albums can be great starting places when we want to share stories with our children and youth about family history or family traditions. During these colder months I encourage you to take some time for storytelling in your home. People of all ages enjoy a story. Stories can connect us to each other in this life, and provide connection with loved ones who have left this earth.

This week the parent-tot video includes the reading of a book called, "Hush Little Baby" as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, How Does the Rooster Talk, Jesus Loves Me and This Little Light of Mine.

The Family Fun video has a "show and tell" sharing about a steel tank drum and a reading about the meaning of "Aloha". It also has these songs: You Are My Sunshine, This Land, My Love Colours Outside the Lines, and I Am the Light of the World.

Enjoy singing along!

Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading: Christ of the Celts

Excerpt by J. Philip Newell

In ‘Cosmic Life’, the mystic Teilhard de Chardin wrote, ‘There is a communion with God, and a communion with earth, and a communion with God through earth.’

His religious tradition had taught him that there is a ‘communion with God’. His natural instincts had taught him that there is a ‘communion with earth’.

But his experience of Christ taught him that there is a ‘communion with God through earth’. It was to this communion that he devoted the remainder of his life.

In his paleontological work as a scientist, he would dig into the earth. In his theological work as a priest, he would search the depths of the human soul. And in both he was seeking communion with God.

Teilhard coined the concept of ‘ex-centration’ as his way of saying that we find our true selves outside of ourselves or that we find our true centre at the heart of one another and at the heart of all life.

Yes, we also find the Presence deep within ourselves, but the experience is of encountering the Presence that is the Heart of all life. The deeper we move within our souls, the closer we come to the soul of one another. And the closer we move to the heart of all life, the nearer we come to the heart of our own being. 

Poem: Vulnerability from “Whispers of Light” by Joy Mead

Birthing and beginning,
nurturing and nourishing, 
planting and digging, 
gathering and harvest. 

We are part of the circle
of the earth and each other. 

Waking, wondering and wandering, 

writing poems, telling stories, 

shaping, painting and weaving, 

exploring language and colour, 

music and sound. 

We are part of the circle
of the earth and each other 

Making and living love,

changing nappies, washing floors,

baking bread, cooking meals,

touching, smelling, hearing, sharing,

celebrating and sorrowing. 

We are part of the circle
of the earth and each other 

Through hurting and healing, 

breaking and renewal,

accepting and letting go,

dying and ending. 

We are part of the circle

Of the earth and each other. 

In-Person Worship Services are Cancelled Due to COVID Safety Concerns

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday, January 23rd

Experience the uplifting, healing and transformative power of Prayer


Giving Spirit

With gratitude we accept your gifts given with Love and purpose. For the Love of our neighbours, may we generously share our skills and talents. For the Love of our community, may we generously share our skills and talents. For the Love of Powell River United Church, may we generously share our skills and talents. We pray this in the name of the One who generously gave all He had.


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada