Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

Light and dark are influencers that can either raise the Spirit or dim it. We just came out of the cold winter rainy season into the longer lighter days of spring. Spring is the season of renewal and resurrection. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. This is an invitation to take all the heaviness of life that we carry unnecessarily and give them over to the Light. Our Higher Power can handle the burdens that weigh us down.

Living lightly is a mindset that can be learned.  We can choose to be attentive to positive thoughts which will draw us into the Light. Letting go of judgemental negative opinions brings freedom and joy into life. Being influenced by the Light raises the Spirit.

With Love
Rev. Mary White


Sunday April 3rd • 11am In-Person Sunday Worship

All Are Welcome with Love

Something We CAN Do ~ for the people of Ukraine

We have been challenged to raise $1,000 in support of the people of the Ukraine whose lives have been devastated. As Nan Cornwall has said, “If every church of every denomination in Canada donated $1,000, think what a difference that could make!”

The United Church of Canada has already made a $250,000 contribution through their Emergency Fund, and will ensure that every dollar donated goes directly to emergency relief; 85% of the donation goes to the designated cause, and 15% is held ready for other immediate emergency relief needs. (Any administration costs are covered by our UCC Mission & Service Fund.)

Here are the ways you can contribute:

  • At church, using the sunflower bucket by the offering plate:

  • By cash or cheque made out to Powell River United Church, with “for Ukraine” noted;

  • Cheques or cash in envelopes with identifying information will be receipted.

  • Directly via the United Church of Canada website at

Let’s see if we can meet that challenge, and pass it along to people you know in other churches!

Reading Excerpt

From “Lenten Lent: A Way to Refresh & Renew Your Spirit” by Donna Schaper

“While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of light.”

~ John 12:36

How will you know if you are renewing? You will know because you are lighter. Light is not just the opposite of dark. It is also the opposite of heavy. We don’t have to dislike the dark to become light. Instead, we can move the heavy aside. Becoming lighter also means engaging our inner mystic. When we live lightly, we see new heavens and new earths everywhere. Those whose cynicism has caused them to eat the seeds on the bottom of the birdcage do not weigh us down. We sing. We fly. We eat out of the bird feeder. Jesus seems to think we have a choice about whether to choose light or heaviness. I think he is right....

If you want to renew yourself, or have something different happen in your life, ask somebody for help with something this Lent. And when they ask you in return, respond in the affirmative. That one question will change you and change your relationships. You will find yourself renewed if you can ask for help. You will stay the same if you don’t ask for help.

You are Invited for Tea

Have you been missing your church family and friends? Us too!

Now that the Covid restrictions are easing up, we can do what we used to consider normal…  visit one another! What could be more fun than having little tea parties to catch up with friends?!

The tea parties will be small (4 people maximum). If you think this would be fun… you could choose to be a host, or a guest (or both)!!

Guests will bring tea and a few goodies, hosts will provide the tea cups and boiling water.

If interested, please contact either:

Marilynn Davis • 604-487-9543

Lynn McCann • 604-485-0193

To tell us if you would enjoy being a host, a guest, or both!

Flea Market and Fundraising Event Saturday May 14th

Are you spring cleaning, and don’t know what to do with your gently used treasures that need a new home?

If you wish to sell your items, you will be able to rent a table for $10.

The church will appreciate any of the proceeds you wish to donate from your sales.

Set-up is on Friday May 13th, and as at a flea market, each person would look after their own table and take home any items left over at the end of the day.

Please contact Marilynn at 604-487-9543 or mhdavis1986@gmail.com to book your table for May 14th.

(If the number of people applying is greater than the available tables, we will consider having another Flea Market at a later date).


Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God 
– Anita Barrows

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. 

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. 

May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children. 

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea.

Attention Gardeners

Ian and Del are organizing a Plant Sale during the Flea Market on Sat. May 14th.

If you are starting any plants for the upcoming season we would appreciate it if you could start a few extra to donate to the plant sale. Donations of plants can be dropped off at the church on Thurs. or Fri. May 12th & 13th during office hours (10am - 2pm).

All proceeds will go to the church.

PRUC Online Worship Service • Please Join us this Sunday, April 3rd

May the cosmos brighten your life with creativity and joy.
~ Rev. Mary


Wisdom Spirit

You are the inspiration shining in the hidden places of our lives. May we see the light in all we encounter and bring peace to those who have heavy burdens. May we be willing to cross boundaries which divide, and create conditions that make for blessings, justice, and reconciliation. May we be given the strength to endure our struggles and choose life as a blessing. Today may we sit for a moment without words and experience your light. This we pray.
