Maundy Thursday

Message from Our Minister Reverend Mary White

Good Day and Blessings!

When thinking of Jesus and the Last Supper, my vision is nothing like the well-known artist rendition by Leonardo da Vinci. Unless they are in a temple or a palace, is there a space big enough in an upper room for such a large table that can seat thirteen people?

It seems that seated legs crossed on cushions on the floor in a circle is more realistic. Imagine a colourful cloth in the centre where the bread and wine are strategically placed, maybe on a piece of wood. Incense and candles are burning creating a calming atmosphere. Of course, when stress is present, families either embrace each other or strike out in frustration at those whom they love the most. This is where de Vinci appears to have grasped some reality in his work of art. The painting demonstrates strong human emotions towards one another. This family of disciples are desperate for a miracle, something, someone, to soothe and heal their troubled soul. 

With Love
Rev. Mary White

Easter Worship In-Person Services

Good Friday April 15 ~ 2:30pm and Easter Sunday April 17 ~ 11am

What a Response for the People of Ukraine

While we all feel so helpless watching the horrific news in the Ukraine, it’s heartening to see the amazingly quick and generous action our church members have taken to meet the challenge of raising $1,000 towards supporting Ukrainians impacted by the war.

In just 3 Sundays, people have put a total of $3,450 in the basket, and at least $100 more has been contributed directly on-line. That’s more than tripled our challenge target!

As a side story, Brian Walker raised $150 by selling his hand-made door-stops to residents and staff at Coastal Breeze residence, where everyone was most happy to support the cause.

Although the basket will no longer be out in the entry, any further donations will certainly be receipted and sent on.

Poem Excerpt From “Spring” by Ruth Burgess

On Thursday, his friends are fractious, cracking under stress. He bids a couple to go prepare a meal. Over bread and wine and blessing, he talks of his body breaking and bleeding, wants them to eat the bread and drink from his cup of suffering. It’s all too much – and they lash out at one another: fingers point and accusations fly. They fight for top position on what is feeling like a sinking ship. His words, though quiet, cut through the conversation: overturn their notions. He tells them of God’s kingdom, built on loving service: seeing, hearing those ignored and those unheard, and making space at the table for all. Radical. That kind of talk will get him killed.

Meet 9-week Old New Church Dog Nora Plisson

The puppy belongs to Stacey, Brent, Alessa and Makenna Plisson.

Nora is Phyllis’s Grandpuppy!!

Trinity Hall Coffee & Tea

Following Easter Sunday service there will be hot coffee and tea available for all who wish to join in fellowship.

We hope to reduce the kitchen work for volunteers, so as a gentle reminder please bring your own mug. Paper cups will be available in case your forget.

Also, if you are available in the future to arrive at church by 10:30am and plug in the coffee and serve following worship, please let Doreen at or Phyllis know what dates you are available.

As we journey through the transition to a new sustainable coffee time program, we thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Flea Market and Fundraising Event • Saturday May 14th from 9am to 3pm

Set-up is from 1pm to 5pm on Friday May 13th.

As at a flea market, each person would look after their own table and take home any items left over at the end of the day.

If you wish to sell your items, you will be able to rent a table for $10.

The church will appreciate any of the proceeds you wish to donate from your sales.

Please contact Marilynn at 604-487-9543 or to book your table.

(If the number of people applying is greater than the available tables, we will consider having another Flea Market at a later date).

Poem Excerpt From Eggs and Ashes: Here’s a Man by Kathy Galloway

Here’s a man, born to a mother who broke the rules and said ‘yes’, parented by a man who was not his father, knowing his ancient lineage yet calling people to be born again into a new community.

Here’s a man, tramping the dusty roads of his country, drawing inspiration from the land, loving its fruitfulness, sailing its waters, stilling its storms.

Here’s a man, throwing up a steady job to follow his calling, keeping bad company, often sleeping rough, touching people who were considered untouchable, raising up those who were overlooked.

Here’s a man, refusing to be less than free, refusing to be less than utterly committed, refusing to bow down and serve the empires of the world; in tenderness, justice and joy, in forgiving and healing, he lived the promise of a new relationship with God.

He was called by many names.

He called himself ‘the Son of Man’.

Attention Gardeners

Ian and Del are organizing a Plant Sale during the Flea Market on Sat. May 14th.

If you are starting any plants for the upcoming season we would appreciate it if you could start a few extra to donate to the plant sale. Donations of ceramic plant pots, planters, garden gnomes, etc. would also be welcomed. Donations of plants can be dropped off at the church on Thurs. or Fri. May 12th & 13th during office hours (10am - 2pm). All proceeds will go to the church.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, April 17th


Spirit Love

It is so hard to be silent, silent with my mouth but more so with my heart. It seems that I am always with inner debates with myself, my friends, my enemies, my supporters, my colleagues and my rivals. These arguments reveal my insecurities, my fear, and my need for being recognized and receiving attention. You, Spirit, will fulfill these needs, if I would simply stop talking and start listening to you. I know that in the silence of my heart, you will speak to me and show me Love. Give me that silence. Let me be patient and grow slowly into this silence in which I can be with you.


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada