Rays of Light

Thoughts to Ponder from Reverend Mary White

Heading for warmer climates, sunbathing on the beach, sitting in the garden soaking up the sun, walking in the summer heat are what a lot of people look forward to. Give me the light but keep the hot heat of summers. Light feeds the spirit with rays of life fulfilling bliss that can survive through long days. In the light, we find a sense of worth to our life which helps us through any darkness that may cast a shadow on our path. As the plant flowers in the light, so we too become blossoms of splendour. 

Stay safe. Stay connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary


Reading Excerpt from John O’Donohue’s “Anam Cara” 

Ultimately, light is the mother of life. Where there is no light, there can be no life. If the angle of the sun were to turn away from the earth, all human, animal, and vegetative life, as we know it, would disappear. Ice would freeze the earth again. 

Light is the secret presence of the divine. It keeps life awake. Light is a nurturing presence, which calls forth warmth and color in nature. The soul awakens and lives in light. It helps us to glimpse the sacred depths within us. Once human beings began to search for a meaning to life, light became one of the most powerful metaphors to express the eternity and depth of life. In the Western tradition, and indeed in the Celtic tradition, thought has often been compared to light. In its luminosity, the intellect was deemed to be the place of the divine within us.  


Spirit of Light, 

We recognize that there are those among us who live surrounded by the Light. They experience life jam-packed with hope and joy. Help us discover how to live more in the Spirit.  

Enable us to share with others the Light we have available to us. 

Free us from our limitations to make our coming into the presence of the Light a transforming event. 

Save us from making tradition serve our longing for security when you are making all things new, bringing new traditions alive. Let your will be done.  
