Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White
Happy Mothering Day (this Sunday) to all who are or have been nurturers.
Good Day and Blessings,
Watching the transition of women through the decades of my existence, I am somewhat satisfied with the improvements being made. We have in fact come a long way since being considered owned chattel. I am pleased that my daughters are living in a country that acknowledges their freedom to be their authentic selves. On the other hand, I am concerned for my sons and grandsons who are in transition. Redefining oneself from a patriarchal society to accommodate equal rights for women is not an easy task. So often when there is an inequality of power, the one in the position of dominance finds it difficult to relinquish control. There is a fear of losing their authority, identity, and position in life. But, in reality, they are gaining freedoms from the stresses of constantly being burdened with the responsibilities of being the overseer of another adult’s life. Given freely, we have all been blessed with gifts which are meant to be shared interdependently. With open hearts, we can learn so much from each other.
With Love
Rev. Mary White
Sunday May 8th • 11am • In-Person Sunday Worship
All Are Welcome with Love
Dear Friends:
There is a teaching in First Nations culture that you might have heard: "Every child has many mothers". This week I am feeling very thankful for my wonderful biological mother. I am also thankful for other women in my life who have mothered me.
We are blessed to have many sources of nurturing and support: aunties, grandmothers, godmothers, women further on their life journey than ourselves we might know from work, school, our neighborhoods, or our church family.
The videos this week have a Mother's Day theme and hopefully help to remind our young people that they are deeply loved and they have a job this Sunday: to thank their mothers.
The parent tot video has a book called: Why Do You Love Me as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, May there always be Sunshine, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Love My Mom, The Children on the Bus.
The Family Fun video has the reading of a book called "Mama Says" as well as these songs: Kum By Ya, This is the Day that God Has Made, Rock and Roll Lullabye, Grandma's Feather Bed, andDraw the Circle Wide.
Best wishes for a beautiful day on Sunday: Happy Mother's Day.
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
2021 Annual General Meeting • Sunday May 15th, 11am
The PR United Church Annual Report 2021 is now available for your review CLICK HERE. Printed copies are available in the church.
This report reflects a summary of our church’s ministry over the 2021 year. It will be considered for approval at the Annual Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, May 15, 2022 in conjunction with the 11:00 am worship service.
Excerpt from Christine R. Page, M.D. “The Healing Power of the Sacred Woman: Health, Creativity, and Fertility for the Soul”
Why did the patriarchy feel the need to subdue the feminine? It is my hypothesis that they knew that women possessed powers far more potent than physical strength, financial wealth, and man-made laws. These forces include fearlessness in the face of death, the ability to purify and transform, the power to create life, the gift of inspiration, and, most importantly, the power of love. In essence, these qualities mirrored those of the Great Mother, who had been worshipped for tens of thousands of years before the appearance of the patriarchy. Her message has always been clear. When we fully believe in her love for us, celebrate all the gifts she offers, and completely accept the necessity of the cycles of life, which include death and birth, then we will know ourselves as eternal beings.
My Mother’s Pearls by M.J. White
Scattered across the floor
Into the shadowed corners
Lost for another day
To be retrieved and
Brought together in
A different strand
To be placed in a
Box with other trinkets
Adorned as distractions
Upon the skin
Of the aged woman
Come out! Come Out!
Of your shadowed
Corners to embrace the
Love you carry within
Wear your love
Not as a distraction
But as a light
Glowing upon a
Face of beauty
To be shared.
Flea Market and Fundraising Event • Saturday May 14th • 9am to 3pm
To book your Flea Market table or for more information, please contact Marilynn at or 604-487-9543.
PRUC Online Worship Service
Please Join us this Sunday, May 8th
May peace fill your heart, your world, your universe.
~ Mary
Spirit of Gentleness
Grant us the ability to recognize the face of Love in all whom we meet. Bless our hopes, our risk-taking and our commitment; make us sensitive and forgiving and give us the wisdom to allow each other freedom and space. Let our love be for the world around us as well as for each other and keep us centred in Love. May we find patience when we are in transition times. We offer these prayers in the name of the one who serves with Love.
Adapted from “The Book Of A Thousand Prayers.” Angela Ashwin
Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada