Prayful Play

Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White


Dear Friend,

Something to contemplate…

We have been gifted with the joys of having been a summer child. And throughout our life, we carry within ourselves, that summer child.  As we “mature”, we develop inhibitions and create social barriers that restrict our playful being.

In his book A Play-Full Life, Jaco J. Hamman states,

“With a lack of play in our lives we are arguably more stressed and carry more anxiety than any previous generation. Accompanying the higher levels of anxiety, we also experience higher levels of aggression.”

What part of you that got lost along the way, would you like to reclaim by becoming play-full?

With Love,
Rev. Mary

All Are Welcome With Love

Reading: The Circle of Life

Quiet communion with the garden revives the peace and tranquility that all too easily slip away from me. The garden’s fragrances, colours, and shapes comfort my inner weariness. Its bounty feeds not only my body but also my soul. As I stoop, kneel, sit, and stand among the garden’s verdant vegetation, I forget about the busy things that seemed so important to me.

In the garden I experience the restorative powers of nature. The garden becomes a sanctuary of repose and promise, a graced place that allows my body and spirit room to breathe freshness. In this restorative place hope feeds my discouragement. Faith feeds my doubt. Here in the garden, I am reminded of my communion with all that lives.

Reading excerpt by Joyce Rupp

Dear Hospice volunteers and supporters,

For those who haven't heard, Powtown Shakedown is a music festival being held at Palm Beach from July 29th to August 1st. This year the organizers have generously set this up so that admission on the Friday is strictly by donation to Powell River Hospice Society, to go towards the building fund for our much anticipated Hospice House. They will also be encouraging donations to Hospice over the course of the weekend. In exchange, the organizers require volunteers for the gate.

This volunteer opportunity involves collecting donations, writing receipts as needed and sharing information about Hospice throughout the weekend. We'll provide everything you need, including a list of talking points. Tickets for July 30th to August 1st will mostly be purchased online, though you will be selling them at the gate for anyone who hasn't purchased ahead. Again, training will be provided.

I encourage you to sign up with a friend or family member, even if they aren't tied to Hospice, so that all our spots are filled and you have company while you're there. All are welcome and carpooling with your shift buddy is encouraged. By volunteering, you'll be able to listen to the music while you're on the gate, as well as attend the festival when you're not volunteering! This has the possibility of being a major fundraiser for Hospice and will take all of us working together, so thank you very much for volunteering your time to help out.

If you're able to, please sign up for a shift at

For more information on the event itself, please go to If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Fisher at or by calling (604) 413-0806.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to and support of Powell River Hospice Society and for volunteering your time to help your organization.

Cathy Fisher, President

Thanks to all who participated this past Sunday in our “Embracing Change” Congregational Gathering.

Something we forgot to mention on Sunday regarding the new seating arrangement for our sanctuary:

  • We are applying for a $5,000 Innovation Grant to purchase 24 new sanctuary chairs, as well as a smart TV. We have received positive feedback from the grant committee so far, and are optimistic.

We hope that the new configuration, along with chairs and smart TV, will help make the space more versatile so that other spiritual groups will be able to utilize the space for their specific needs, and that this will help lead us towards a sustainable future.

Additionally, we envision a more welcoming, inviting and intimate space for congregants to gather and worship each Sunday.

 I Appreciate Your Prayer.

In the Indian scriptures, a word used to describe the “Play-full Summer” many of us are experiencing at church right now, is called “Lila”. It means “God’s play," or "God’s dance.”

The word Lila is used as a reminder that God is the one behind all this, which is especially useful to remember when things feel heavy due to the ego’s identity and involvement with things.

It is important for disciples to remain cheerful and lighthearted, knowing it is God’s love at work and play – behind everything.

This play can also be regarded as the purifying fire of God’s love.

Poem: Listening to Summer by Macrina Wiederkehr

How quietly the earth breathes forth new life. How eagerly the sun bleeds forth the spring, I am listening.

I am listening to the seeds breaking open, to roots growing strong beneath the ground, to green shoots rising up from winter wombs. 

I am listening to thorns blossoming, to barren branches laughing out new growth, to wildflowers dancing through the meadows.

I am listening

I am listening to the forest filling up with song. I am listening to the earth filling up with life. I am listening to the trees filling up with leaves.

I am listening.

I am listening to the sky with its many changing moods, to flashes of lightning, peals of thunder, to opening buds and greening grass. 

I am listening to the breaking forth of light in the vestibule of dawn.
I am listening to the freshness of the morning.

I am listening. 
I am listening to the rain drops giving hope to thirsty gardens.

I am listening to the orchards pregnant with new life.

I am listening to the flowers bursting forth in rainbow colours.

I am listening.

I am listening to the brook, to the song of happy waters.

I am listening to music rising up from all the earth.

I am listening to spring soaring in on wings of life.

I am listening to the sounds of spring.

I am listening. 
I am listening to prayers pouring forth from feathered throats. 

I am listening to prayers rising up from misty waters.

I am listening to prayers of a meadow crowned with dawn.

I am listening. 
I am listening to the growing in the garden of my heart.

I am listening to my heart singing songs of resurrection.

I am listening to the colours of life.

I am listening.

I am listening to winter handing over spring. 

I am listening to the poetry of spring. 
I am listening.

PRUC Online Worship Service

Please Join us this Sunday, July 17th

May your summer be filled with THE PLAY OF GOD’S LOVE


God of Holidays

For rest and relaxation, switching off phones and e-mail, the release from the demands of diaries and calendars, the blissful luxury of solitude.

God who rests with us, for holiday joys, we praise you.

For travel and exploration, adventuring to new places, discovering beauty and strangeness, exploring new food and ways of life.

God who travels with us, for holiday joys, we praise you.

For play and leisure, games on beach or field, delighting in fun and laughter, sharing time with friends.

God who plays with us, for holiday joys, we praise you.

For making and creating, forming shapes in clay, wood or stone, splashing colour with paint or thread, words or music echoing in our souls.

Creator who creates with us, for holiday joys, we praise you.


~ Jan Berry

Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada