Value People

Something to Ponder

Being raised by a mother who valued people above all else, I couldn’t help but be influenced by her nurturing. She actually lived her philosophy of “Things aren’t important, they can be replaced. People are important.” Thinking we own something is an illusion. Everything we have is on loan to us.

Stay safe. Stay connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary

 Reading Excerpt From “Gathered and Scattered”

 by Neil Paynter

“If, as a Christian, I believe in a relationship that unconditionally values every person regardless of status, wealth, success or virtue, that conveys intrinsic worth on the worst as well as the best, with no value addition necessary, how am I to regard an economic system, and its underlying spirituality, which determines worth purely by external market forces, which actually relieves people who are poor, differently abled, unemployed, single parents, elderly, of their intrinsic worth? We take care of what we value. Ultimately, people know whether and how they are valued by their society, and by its systems and institutions.

Who do we give value to?”

Prayer EXCERPT From “The Healer’s Tree”

by Annie Heppenstall


Give us courage, gentle one, to be marked as one of yours.

Give us Wisdom to see through the pretensions to power which human structures parade – the glamour and the misspent wealth, leaders who will not serve.

Give us clarity of purpose, simplicity and truth, that the healing and joy of infinite love may come through us to earth.
