All-pervasive Power

All-pervasive Power

The same currents that run through our human blood also run through the swirling galaxies and the myriad of life-forms that pervade this planet: one and the same evolutionary current moves through all—a single self transcending current of all-pervading energy that brings new life out of seeming catastrophe.

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself.

Advent of Peace

Advent of Peace

We are waiting; for the Brussel sprouts to cook, for the decorations to come out, for the tree to go up, for the sales in the shops for the light to gather, for the time to pause, for the universe to hold its breath, for the baby to quicken, for the travellers to arrive, for the angels to clear their throats, for shepherds to hear the singing, for the prophets to be fulfilled, for the promise to be believed, for Incarnation, we are waiting.



It is birth from within that transforms the self and is expressed by letting go of old patterns of thinking that create barriers and imprison us in narrow, lifeless places. This Advent time of waiting is an opportunity for us to wait with all humans whose weary lives turn slowly toward re-awakened joy.

Sacred Beings

Sacred Beings

We are all born sacred beings because we are given grace from the life breath of Spirit. We are not who others say we are. We identify ourselves by the way we live this gift of life. We are born into Love and no matter what prejudices we were taught as children, as adults, we can choose to live into acceptance and Love for all things living and inanimate.