Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Afternoon and Blessings
I must admit that I am biased to the season of Spring. It is a time of new growth and reminds me of resurrection. But then there is Autumn; a time when the air is cooler, and the colours of the forest are breathtaking. In the beauty around us, it is easy to overlook the necessary decaying of Summer growth. As someone who appreciates transformation, I thank God for the mystery of life, for the changes given from Love.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Excerpt from A Song Of Faith, United Church Of Canada
“Finding ourselves in a world of beauty and mystery,
of living things, diverse and interdependent,
of complex patterns of growth and evolution,
of subatomic particles and cosmic swirls,
we sing of God the Creator,
the Maker and Source of all that is.
Each part of creation reveals unique aspects of God the Creator,
who is both in creation and beyond it.
All parts of creation, animate and inanimate, are related.
All creation is good.
We sing of the Creator,
who made humans to live and move
and have their being in God.”
Prayer Of The Day
Holy Creator
We give thanks for the abundance of beauty flourishing around us. When we take advantage of your created gifts, make it easier for us to hear the promptings of the Spirit. Help us to follow Jesus’s example of love and service. And by making Christ’s priorities our own, may we become more in tune with Your image within us and closer to the caring people we were made to be. Hear our prayer and let Your will be done.