Finding Hope

Message of the Day from Bev Falconer

I was thinking of the 'olden days' when we used fountain pens and Maclean method pens for writing—some of you will remember those pens. I had to really scrub the tips of two fingers on my right hand every day to get rid of the blue ink stains. And I felt ashamed of the many blots in my scribblers when we had to hand them in for the teacher to mark.

Many years ago, I came across this story of those 'pen and ink times' which really resonated with me:

“There was a teacher in a village school in Scotland by the name of Joseph Craik. The other teachers at that school circled the inkblots on the student's papers in large red circles. But Craik was a talented artist and instead of reprimanding his students for their mistakes, he would add a line here and there so that they became pictures of angels. Joseph Craik became a legend in his own time as the “man who could turn inkblots into angels.”

Joseph Craik, with love and encouragement, made a positive difference in the lives of his pupils. And this story could be a wonderful parable of the difference Christian faith can make in our lives. God can turn our 'inkblots' –those mistakes and disappointments in our lives—into something good. He takes our efforts and uses them for good in a way we never thought possible.

This is what Paul was saying when he wrote to the Christians in Rome:

“We know that all things work together for good to those who love God...”

(Romans 8:28 NIV)

Paul knew all about hardship, disappointment, rejection, and physical pain. But he found in Christ someone who could transform the inkblots in his life into angels.

 God is still ready to change our inkblots of  despair into angels of hope; our problems into opportunities; and our doubts into faith.

In those moments of life where we hurt the most, our God is at work for good in everything that happens to us. His love will never let us go (Romans 8:39) and He is still able to turn dark inkblots into angels of  hope—something we really need to remember now, in these times of pandemic isolation.

Today's Prayer

Loving God, when our plans are blocked, and our dreams go unfulfilled, remind us that you are at work, for good, in everything that happens to us. 

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.