Daily Message from Wendy Barker

A week ago, we set up our RV at Willingdon Beach campsite in drizzly rain.  Our plan was to have a living space while Allan refinishes our wood floors, and enjoy a little get-away at the same time.  Our campsite is high on the hill above the walking trail, and we had to use several wooden blocks on the back wheels to level our unit in the space provided.

At 4:00 in the morning, the rain came down in sheets, hammering on the roof and reverberating through the RV like a drum.  And then my imagination took fire.  Would a tree get loosened and fall on us?  Would the bank erode and collapse?  And if we went down with it, would we blow up because we carry propane?  And what is that strange creaking sound, anyway — are we inching backwards?  After an hour of frantic thought, the rain began to subside and so did my heart-rate.

We woke the next day to sun shafting through the trees, throwing sparkling jewels dancing on the sea below us, and birds flapping their little feet as they two-stepped across the roof of the RV.  The trees stood tall and serene around us, with branches etched against a cobalt blue sky.

It was such a reminder to me of how easy it is to replace hope with dread during the really dark places of life.  It was also a reminder that darkness can be followed by times of real joy, and that there is indeed hope for the morning.


Psalm 30:5bWeeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (KJV)

Romans 15:13I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (NLV)


Creator of hope and joy,

We pray that you will sustain our faith and courage through times of anxiety,

And renew in us the hope and strength to find the joy in the new days ahead.

Inspire us also to find ways to bring that hope and joy to those around us.
