Your Embrace

Daily Message and Prayer from Rev. Mary White

Good Afternoon and Blessings

Tomorrow is Communion Sunday, so remember your bread and juice/wine for the service.

As we continue this wilderness journey, I am becoming more aware of how this is affecting those who are most vulnerable. Especially those who are older and those whose health is compromised.  A regular routine of getting out to worship and to join in fellowship feeds our physical and mental health. It is essential more than ever that we maintain connections through our phone tree. We also, can have a daily exercise routine. Check out online exercises for the physically challenged.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,

Job 11:13-19 (ERV)

Prepare your heart to serve God. Lift your arms in prayer. Put away the mistakes that you still hold on to. Don’t keep evil in your home. If you will do that, you could look to God without shame. You can stand strong and not be afraid. Then you can forget your troubles, like water that has already passed by. Your​ life will be brighter than the sunshine at noon.  Life’s darkest hours will shine like the morning sun. You will feel safe because there is hope. God will protect you and give you rest. You will lie down without fear of anyone. Many people will come to you for help.

Prayer Of The Day

Conveyer of Grace

We pray for all who struggle with the grief of losing familiar traditions.

We pray for all who feel trapped and unable to move forward.

Help us to realize that we live in a period where we have an opportunity to consider our resurrection.

Keep us full of hope for physical and mental health. 

Keep us full of hope in a renewed way to serve with love.

This we pray in the warmth of Your embrace.
