Our Offering

Prayer Of The Day from Rev. Mary White

Excerpt From: Ruth Burgess. “Fire and Bread” 
Being Church  by Pat Bennett 


in this shared time 

we offer ourselves 

to each other. 

We offer our understandings and insights – 

not to dominate or overthrow one another 

but that we ourselves 

might be challenged and changed. 

We offer our emotions and experiences – 

not in self-indulgence 

but that through honesty and openness 

we may find and give encouragement and comfort. 

We offer our skills and talents – 

not because of pride in our abilities 

but in a joyful recognition and sharing 

of your overflowing bounty. 

And as we celebrate and offer our common humanity, 

the very flesh and fabric of our lives, 

may you, 

the Incarnate One, 

be once again embodied here 

in our individuality 

and our community. 


Keep safe, Keep connected. 

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary, 
