Through the Clouds

Daily Message and Prayer from Wendy Barker

I’m always awe-struck by the sight of a broad shaft of sunlight pouring down through a dark bank of clouds.  In my imagination, I have wondered whether it might signify a revelation being poured out upon our part of the earth, or perhaps an uplifting of someone into the heavens, or a heavenly reminder that light will always pierce the darkness and eventually overcome it.

Having lost a dear friend this week, and feeling somewhat cloudy of mind and spirit, it was refreshing to me to see that sunlight shafting through a bank of clouds over the Island last evening.  It made me realize that the friend we lost would surely be looking towards the brightness of heaven as he went, and would have wanted us to be certain that the light of God will continue to pour down upon us, giving us strength and hope for the days ahead.


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”  

~John 1:5 (NIV)


God who created light and is our Light,

We thank you for friends and loved ones who have shared and enriched our lives;

We take hope from your assurance that light overcomes darkness, and that the cloudy times of our lives will not last forever;

And we ask for your help in sharing the light of your hope with those around us.
