Light of God

Message of the Day from Tyler Nouwens

Dear One,

Here I find myself again writing to you. I feel it is quite a privilege and an honour, particularly because I am blessed to be writing about a very important subject that also happens to be my favourite subject, which is God.

God is the highest, greatest, most excellent and sublime of subjects. It is the only subject that is not separate from any of all the other subjects. God is intimately connected to all things. God is simultaneous to all things. God is no different from anything – you could even say God is in our midst!

Last week my message was primarily centered around Love. Love is an aspect of God that we can easily know, feel and experience directly. Through love, God is very immediate and accessible. Love gives us a true and tangible experience of God. We could say that God exists within us as the feeling of love, that love is the heart and essence of who we really are.

A second aspect of God that I would like to introduce this week is Consciousness, or Awareness which to me means the Light of God.

God’s light isn’t a feeling we experience like God’s love. But it is something undeniable that we all sense, have and are. In order for us to know anything, we must first be conscious or aware of that thing, whether it be a worldly object, a thought, or a feeling.

Even in order for us to know God, we must be conscious or aware of God. It is the light of God that enables us to know God.

We may be able to accept that God is the love within us, but are we able to accept that the light of God is Consciousness and Awareness?

To take this a step further, are we able to accept that God’s light is our own Consciousness and the Awareness within us?

This is something worth contemplating within the peace and love of our own hearts.

And then if indeed we find for ourselves this is the case, that the light of God is our own Consciousness and Awareness, then it would seemingly make God very close to us.

Again, we must rest in the peace and stillness of our own hearts and be willing to contemplate, just how close would God be?

With Love,

Scripture Luke 17:20-21

“Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, Jesus answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst and within!”

Poem: Light of God

God is the conscious light inside you that sees, but cannot be seen.

God is the conscious light inside you that knows, but cannot be known.

God is the conscious light inside you that understands, but cannot be understood.

God is the conscious light inside you that hears, but cannot be heard.

God is the conscious light inside you that feels, but cannot be felt.

The light of your own Awareness shines outward and illumines the world.

The devotee of God shines the light of their own Awareness back upon Itself.

In this way God becomes illumined within, and realizes Itself as you.

In this way Master and disciple are re-united, as One.

Written with Love
by Tyler

Prayer of the Day

Dear Lord,

This separateness from you I sometimes feel and experience, I know is not real.

You created me in your image. You are the light of my own Self. You sent Jesus here to show me what is possible for me.

You have commanded me to be still and know that I am God.

You have given me everything… and now all I pray for is the grace to fully receive your blessing.

Most beloved Lord of all, I humbly bow at your feet, in praise, gratitude, and adoration, with all my heart.

Forever Yours,