Message of the Day from Rev. Mary White
Good Evening and Blessings
It has been said, “Be careful, for what you pray because you never know what you’ll get.” When we give our prayers over to our Higher Power, it is then no longer ours but their will.
It wasn’t long ago, pre COVID-19, when there was talk about expanding our worship to include services online. Well, here we are, expanded but not as expected. I observe our internet services as an opportunity to practice what we may be offering when we reconvene as community in the church building. Something to which we all look forward with deep faith and hope.
Keep safe, Keep connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary,
Reading Church Renewal by Norma Shanks
A counter-cultural vision and an eagerness to celebrate.
The Church’s vocation in each and every locality is to be a worshipping, healing, learning, serving community, faithfully living by the values of the kingdom, modelling, and embodying a counter-cultural vision, looking and reaching out beyond itself with a wider vision, to discover the light and love of God in engagement with the life of the world, standing up and speaking out against all that diminishes and disempowers humanity. In so doing it will dream and explore; it will be open, flexible, and ready to take risks; it will be generous, hospitable, and ready to celebrate; it will not be a ghetto but keen to co-operate and engage; it will be a transforming community – influencing others for good and being transformed itself in the process; it will be resilient and persistent, however hard the way, and it will be marked by joy and an eagerness to celebrate.
Spirit of Hope
We pray that the gift of worship may be so appreciated as to become greatly renewed wherever it grows out-of-date; the legacies of the Spirit, scattered among all, may not be extinguished but released so that worship becomes rich and dynamic; and foraging in God may lead to blossoming in the world.
We ask this in the name of the One who is the Way, the Truth, the Life.