Heart on Fire


Good Afternoon and Blessings

I am sharing with you today the following excerpt from: Annika Spalde. “A Heart on Fire.”


Our ability to feel gratitude has a fundamental effect on our approach to life. Practise gratitude and you automatically promote humility. Why is that so? Being grateful is one way to see and admit your need for others and for ‘the provider of all things’, God. We have been given life itself as a gift, the greatest gift of all. Don’t let us take that for granted.

Daily exercise:

• Give thanks for the things you experience, the people you meet, the beautiful things you see, tricky situations which taught you something, for a night’s sleep, for the clear air after a shower of rain. Try to discover all the ways in which you have been blessed.

• Don’t be afraid to express thanks to others for what you have received from them.

• Don’t compare yourself with others, for what they own or what they achieve. You won’t benefit from it and it stops you feeling thankful for your own life.

Saint Benedict challenges us to take twelve steps to become more humble. In the language of today they might read something like this:

– Recognise the presence of God in your life.

– Accept God’s will.

– Accept spiritual guidance.

– Persevere – don’t give up the struggle.

– Admit your faults and mistakes.

– Live simply.

– Be honest about yourself.

– Be willing to learn from others.

– Listen to others.

– Speak kindly to others.

– Accept others as they are.

– Be calm and in the present.

 Amen.  And so be it.

 Keep safe, Keep connected.

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.

Rev. Mary,