Remaining Faithful: Something To Ponder from Rev. Mary White
Being a spirited child, no matter how vigorously my parents, teachers, and religious leaders attempted, they could not fit me into their defined boxes. When I was about four years old, my mother gave up on the pretty pink dresses and dressed me in the overalls that my brother outgrew. I now know that I am not alone in my feelings of isolation from societal norms. Acceptance of human diversity is becoming widespread especially among the younger generations. So, if we being created in the image of God come in a variety of personas, then how can we believe that we could possibly fit God into a box just to enhance our definition? Maybe all religions and beliefs have a piece of the human understanding of God and the more we learn about each other’s convictions, the closer our relationship will be with God.
“We are not alone. We live in God’s world”
Stay safe. Stay connected.
Blessings and the strength of Love be with you.
Rev. Mary
Reading Excerpt from “Flip It Like This” by David Hayward
Creating Creator
May we be more aware and accepting of our sisters and brothers who have differing beliefs. All the dominant religions are based on the common foundation of Love. Let us base our life on this fundamental foundation. Remain with us as we pray from a place optimism.