Message from Light of God Ministry • Reverend Mary White
Dear Friend,
There are cultures that seem to have a greater understanding of the importance of daily respite. During the day to allow for pause, work is set aside for a time. This allows for the occasion to let go of employment stresses, to recoup, and mentally prepare to continue the tasks ahead. The Spirit arises within and energizes the creative juices needed to contribute more fully to the community. Our ability to focus becomes more acute.
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their hard, hard work; for their good works follow them.”
– Revelations 14:13b
With Love
Rev. Mary White
In-person Sunday Worship • All Are Welcome with Love • June 19th at 11am
Family Fun with Brenda Pielle
Dear Friends,
This week I am thinking about my Dad as we approach Father's Day. I remember his strength, his laugh, and his never ending knowledge of the great outdoors. I learned appreciation for God's creation from my Father.
What are your favourite memories of time spent with your Dad?
This week the Parent Tot video has a book read called "I Love my Daddy" as well as these songs: The More We Sing Together, I Love my Mom, I Love my Dad, May there always be Sunshine, I Can Feel You Near Me God, and Jesus Loves Me.
The Family Fun video has: You Are My Sunshine, I Walk the Line, I Am Somebody, I'll Do my Best, and Over My Head, as well as some discussion about things my Dad taught me.
I pray you will have some fun this weekend making memories for your children and youth and helping them express appreciation for their fathers.
Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church
Reading: The Blessing Hours
from “Seven Sacred Pauses” by Macrina Wiederkehr
The pauses throughout the day can be our teachers. If you are not accustomed to interrupting your daily work with prayer, you may find yourself questioning the value of this short break in your day’s schedule. When you were a child, the first pause of your day was probably a little snack or kindergarten nap. Or perhaps it was your grade school recess that you remember. It is doubtful you questioned the value of that pause. When we grow up, we seem to have different ideas about the importance of recess.
When those layers of responsibility, obsession, and control become part of our lives, they can kill a bit of our original pure spirit. We have travelled far since our school recess days. Perhaps a backward glance and a prayer to that child of long ago might be beneficial to the weary grown-up many of us have become.
Poem: Gentle Awakening
Excerpt by Joy Mead
Sun-warmed, colour-filled stones:
the old wall holding back the wind
is lightened by lichen
and the day’s promise.
The pause created
by the garden door
is an invitation
to open the mind
and leave it open.
The known but always surprising
walk into the garden
is fragrant with love,
half-forgotten hopes
and half-remembered stories.
Butterflies and bees are undisturbed
by our brief presence.
Thoughts beyond tears stay close
to small lives and forms.
Those who tend growing things
must believe in the resurrection
of the dead seed; understand
what it is that outgrows
our dreams, our little lives.
Childhood’s ungathered flowers
will continue to grow without fading
or losing their sweet smell.
Joy is morning bright,
Memory is lovely
and knows that it is lovely.
PRUC Online Worship Service • Please Join us this Sunday, June 19th
Remain Steadfast in God.
Living and Loving Spirit,
Please help us to make the right choices, to get our priorities right, to know when to do, when to be, and when to bring our inner child to the fore to get the balance between sleeping, eating, playing, and working and to always make sure that You are in the middle.
– Sheila Woodcock