Examine Your Soul

Message from Our Minister • Reverend Mary White

Dear Friend of God,

 In ‘The Apology’ written by the philosopher Plato, Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living” and “We must examine and understand the universe that dwells within our own soul.”

I believe that every life is sacred and is worth living. Examining our inner self presents an opportunity for us to give meaning and purpose to our being.

By contemplating about things that matter such as beliefs, goals, humanity, our life is enhanced. And we develop an awareness of transparency, and independence that leads to peace.

Discerning our life experiences opens our understanding of why we think and act the way we do which supports personal progress that enriches our very existence.

With Love
Rev. Mary White

In-person Sunday Worship • All Are Welcome with Love • June 12th at 11am

Dear Friends:

The weather has been challenging lately with short sunshine times broken up with lots of rain. There are some songs to address this on the parent tot video. The first song on this video geared for very young children mentions the names of children who had attended the parent tot playgroup pre-Covid. Your child might enjoy hearing their name in the song.

This week the Parent Tot video has the following songs: The More We Sing Together, Oh Mister Sun, If All the Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gumdrops, All Through the Day, and the People on the Bus. There is a story read called, Alone Together.

The Family Fun video has a reading of a story about a snake and a hamster becoming friends as well as these songs: Kum By Ya, Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow, To Be Alive, Belly Button, and All Things Bright and Beautiful.

Best wishes to you for this busy month when we celebrate Fathers, and year end achievements for our children and youth.


Brenda Pielle
Reaching Out to Families
Powell River United Church

Reading: Anam Cara by John O'Donohue

Against the infinity of the cosmos and the silent depths of nature, the human face shines out as the icon of intimacy. It is here, in this icon of human presence, that divinity in creation comes nearest to itself. The human face is the icon of creation. Each person also has an inner face, which is always sensed but never seen. The heart is the inner face of your life. The human journey strives to make this inner face beautiful. It is here that love gathers within you. Love is absolutely vital for a human life. For love alone can awaken what is divine within you. In love, you grow and come home to yourself. When you learn to love and to let yourself be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit. You are warm and sheltered. You are completely at one in the house of your own longing and belonging. In that growth and homecoming is the unlooked-for bonus in the act of loving another. Love begins with paying attention to others, with an act of gracious self-forgetting. This is the condition in which we grow.

Poem: Heart of My Heart Thom Shuman • Pirate Jesus

why should i worry . . .

if i have a heart which chews on the Word, 

or is nibbled away at by the world; 

if i have a heart which deceives me, 

or one which is guided by the One i can trust;

 if i have a heart which believes when it stops beating, i stop living, or a heart which, in fact, hopes; 

if i have a heart convinced it is more blessed to be rich than poor, 

or a heart pierced by the sharp-edged Word of promise and warning?

why should i worry . . .? 

because it is my heart and i would have it rest in yours, 

Heart of Love, i would have it rest in yours.

Supporting Our Community

Let us help feed our brothers and sisters in the Powell River community.

The Community Resource Centre appreciates your all donations, especially: Oils, Pasta, Rice, Syrup, Ketchup, Mustard
(Bigger cans are preferable to smaller ones)

Please put your donations in the 'White Box' at the back of Trinity Hall. Once a month the donations will be taken to the Community Resource Centre.

PRUC Online Worship Service • Please Join us this Sunday, June 12th

May your days be
full of insight and

~ Rev. Mary White



Open our hearts, and minds, and present us with the wisdom to breathe your breath that makes all life observed as a living gift. We appreciate and use all the gifts that help us develop as loving persons. Shake our Spirit when we fail to be mindful of others and judge their behaviours. We offer our love, works, joys, and the sufferings of our days, in the name of the One who guides from the heart.


Powell River United Church, 6932 Crofton Street, Powell River, BC, V8A 5H4, Canada