Eternal One

Something to Ponder from Reverend Mary White

Here we are beginning another year that holds so many possibilities full of hope. As connectors in the universe, we are capable of manifesting a year that outshines all that we have undergone in the past few years. We all come from stardust which brings us into shared relationships with common feelings and life experiences. It is through this universal connection that love is deepened and unconditional acceptance of each other is possible. If we always look for the positive in all we experience, then life is observed through a different lens which enhances our existence. Together we can rise and move mountains. 

Stay safe. Stay connected.  

Blessings and the strength of Love be with you. 

Rev. Mary 

Reading from Joyce Rupp’s: Cosmic Dance: An Invitation to Experience Our Oneness 

Wherever and however, I join with the cosmic dance, it jogs my memory and gives me a kind of “second sight,” a glimpse of the harmony and unity that is much deeper and stronger than the forces of any warring nation or individual. My trust that good shall endure is deepened. My joy of experiencing beauty is strengthened. My resolve to continually reach out beyond my own small walls is renewed. The energy that leaps and twirls in each part of existence commands my attention and draws me into a cosmic embrace. I sense again the limitless love that connects us all. I come home to that part of myself that savors kinship, births compassion, and welcomes tenderness. I re-discover that I am never alone. Always the dance joins me to what “is.” 


For all the possibilities ahead in this new year, make us thankful, Eternal One. Give us wisdom, courage, and discernment in the face of so much chaos, despair, and fear. Help us to see how, in our circumstances, we can contribute towards peace, faith and love; and give us the will to translate our desires into actions.  

~ Brother John Charles SSF